
Well Known Member
Anyone know what the heck is inside the typical vernier cable head? Cant get it entirely out, won’t feed back in?!?!��
Not much help, but I just installed a parking brake vernier cable and it came with a warning to not extend beyond 3 inches or an internal steel ball would become dislodged. I didn?t test it...
Didn't Stein or EAA or somebody do a video on how to reassemble a vernier cable once you had goofed up and it fell apart?
I know it was linked here at VAF.
Years ago I had a vernier control apart and a small ball bearing shot out and disappeared.

It took me a while to realize that it was a ball bearing, and then more time to find one that would work.

The ball rode in a wide helical groove in the inside of the housing. The button on the knob connected to a probe that pushed the ball out of the groove area into a recess in the knob assembly.

Don't know how typical this is, but that's what mine was like then.

Yours may not be a Mcfarland cable but I think they have a video or a description on their website.

Thanks gang.... found the errant ball, lubed abd finally got the core wire out, filed the nose round, and fed into the wound sheath! Ready for winter!!! Lubed with teflon oil, hopfully wont turn to glue like whatever was in there!!!