Hello, I am new to the RV world and am seriously looking for an RV6. I'm looking for a 6 with a 360 and a c/s prop but not sure what else to look for or look out for? With all the knowledge and experience out there what are some of the must haves and gotcha's that a first time buyer should be aware of?
Get with someone near you that has experience with these wonderful airplanes. Maybe your local EAA chapter. There will be almost unlimited help through RV owners/builders there. In short, a very experienced friend of mine told me when I was in your position "RVs are hard to build unsafe but easy to build ugly". Workmanship and attention to detail is everything. Take your time, learn all you can and be prepared to spend some money looking at airplanes you ultimately decide not to buy. You WILL find the perfect airplane and you WILL absolutely love the RV as long as you buy it smart and without emotion.
RV White Pages

In addition to the excellent advice provided by Rob, I'd suggest going to the front page of Doug's "vansairforce.net" main page (click on the logo in the upper left quadrant of this page) and go down the left margin until you find "RV White Pages" which is a listing of participating RV builders and flyers. You have several different search options. I know there are several active RV builders/pilots in the Dayton area. Good luck.
If you're really from Xenia...

Try to locate the EAA Chapter that operates out of KHAO-Butler County (if there is one) and go to a few meetings...that is a pretty active hub of home building with several of the folks who operate there on this site.

If there's not an EAA chapter, send me a private message and I'll forward some folks info to reach out to.

I bet they would be willing to chat you up a bit, maybe sit in an aircraft or even take you up for a ride.

I found my well-built RV-7 there...good group of folks.
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A few more hints:
* About half of homebuilts have sub-standard wiring. Check that;
* You are not just buying an airplane, you're also buying the skills and knowledge of the builder. Research that if you can;
* Pretty does not mean well built;
* A pre-purchase inspection will NOT find everything. Count on at least one fix 'em up when you buy the plane;
* Craftsmanship is only an indicator of quality, not a guarantee of quality.


There IS an EAA chapter at HAO (Butler County OH) - 974. HAO is an active GA airport with lots of RV activity. The only RV that's not represented there as far as I know is the RV3. At least 15 RV's are based there, including mine. Feel free to contact me if you want to come take a look. Saturdays are best, with lots of hangar doors open and people 'milling about'.