
Active Member
Dear fellow RV12'rs,

I had bought an RV12 from a friend and and due to damage due to very strong winds/storm and kept outside, the stabilator had to be rebuilt. There were some build issues as well.

If you all would provide an estimate on how long it took you to build the stability in number of hours, I would greatly appreciate. A certified A&P had rebuild the stabilator, along with the latest service bulletin.

Thank you for you help! )
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According to my logbook, it took me 18.7 hours, which included the AS tabs. There's probably some "look at the drawings" time, order parts and paperwork time added to that for the shop.

If they're repairing, then you have to add the time to disassemble too. Noting the price of parts vs shop hours, they might want to consider just ordering all the stabilator parts and building it from scratch - at least as a price comparison.

This is also a great time to implement the service bulletins too, if not already done.
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Thank you all for your input. My best guess, based on also some of the builder blogs, and your comments, is worst case 30 hours. They are ready to bill me for 90 hours. I think I may reach out to FSDO in writing for falsifying billing.
Why would a FSDO even care?
Seems like that is an issue for civil court.
. . . . . based on also some of the builder blogs, and your comments, is worst case 30 hours. They are ready to bill me for 90 hours. I think I may reach out to FSDO in writing for falsifying billing.
Why would a FSDO even care?
Seems like that is an issue for civil court.
Thank you all for your input. My best guess, based on also some of the builder blogs, and your comments, is worst case 30 hours. They are ready to bill me for 90 hours. I think I may reach out to FSDO in writing for falsifying billing.

So if shop rates are $100/hr, they want to charge $9000 for a stabilator?
Just checked my log: including the ASTs, prepping/priming all parts, and installing the fiberglass tips was about 16 hrs.