
Well Known Member
Hi mid westerners,
I am hoping I could get some assistance from someone near Tulsa. I little back story here. I shipped a io540 case to Chuck Ney Enterprises for a overhaul back in march. During shipping UPS damaged the case(cracked sump flange). I have been dealing with Robert Mathews there at Ney. Chuck passed away and Robert supposedly took it over. Robert send a repair quote to UPS and they promptly paid the claim for repair. OK all is well right? noooo. After many excuses why it is not ready yet. Robert said about a month ago that he is not happy with the repair and he would send me one off the shelf. Ok after weeks of more excuses, he finally said it is in a box going out that day and he would send me tracking # in 20 minutes. That was over 2 weeks ago and every time I call he is not there and no one knows anything. After calling everyday, 2 days ago the phone number is no longer in service. Well since Robert sent pics of the damaged case with his cell phone I had that number. So I call and text with no response until yesterday I texted him saying" I guess you are no longer in business since the phone is disconnected ". He finally responded saying they are still open, he was in a dr office and he would call me when he got out. No response from him!!! I was hoping to find a fellow van head that lives or works in Tulsa to stop by their shop and let me know if they are in fact still open. I am at my wits end and my only other option is getting a attorney involved. Their address is 9410 E. 46th st. North Tulsa,OK 74117. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Chuck Ney

Update, After having to text him threatening the use of my attorney if i did not get a response by COB he finally replied back and provided UPS tracking. I still do not know what I'm getting back. It may be just a box full of broken pieces for all I know. If what I get back is yellow tagged I'm thinking about sending it back out to DIVCO for a look over for piece of mind. I just have no trust in Chuck Ney Enterprises. Be aware.

Yes, that is what I had heard as well. My reason for going with them. After more research after the fact, the shop appears to had been going downhill for past couple of years. I do sincerely hope they can pull it together and still offer Chuck's outstanding services for the foreseeable future. Time will tell.