I tried searching the forum but didn't see anything on this from before ....

My Icom A210 had been trouble free for the 5 years my RV-8 has been flying. But just the other day, at some point around the time of landing or taxiing back to the hangar, the intercom function seemed to fail. Neither I nor my passenger could hear each other, or our own voices, in the headsets.

When holding PTT in order to transmit, I could then hear my voice in the headset (and transmit was successful ... verified with hand held radio). But there is no voice capability over the intercom alone. I tried messing with the menu settings in the radio (volume, squelch, etc) with no success.

Just to be sure, I went out to the hangar on a different day and tried different headsets, and played with the menu settings more ... still nothing.

Has anyone seen this behavior before?
I am sure u no, but in case, push and hold upper left most button for 5 secs. the one that says dual, that turns on the intercom or off, also just pushing dual and releasing asap allows u 2 hear another station.