
Well Known Member
Got a call from scott at hooker today, great I get to order my seat belts, but wait which ones, I do intend to do aerobatics and possibly/probably at least some competition aerobatics, so my question is how has anyone mounted the aerobatic hookers with the rachet? You would need another hard point to hook the second set of lap belts to. I suppose just mimicking the regular attatch points at a point forward of the ones installed would work but I would like some input before I go hacking up my floor panels to mount in another hard point, even though that is probably what is required I would at least like to see someones plane that this has been done to.
N282RV said:
Got a call from scott at hooker today, great I get to order my seat belts, but wait which ones, I do intend to do aerobatics and possibly/probably at least some competition aerobatics, so my question is how has anyone mounted the aerobatic hookers with the rachet? You would need another hard point to hook the second set of lap belts to. I suppose just mimicking the regular attatch points at a point forward of the ones installed would work but I would like some input before I go hacking up my floor panels to mount in another hard point, even though that is probably what is required I would at least like to see someones plane that this has been done to.

Having flown with the sport hookers, personally I think the sport is probably a better match. If you had a Pitts, or a +10,-10 Extra or something like that, you may want to consider the aerobatic harness. I'd look hard to find a couple of planes with a sport and an aerobatic installed...local FBO that does aerobatics will probably have a sport in at least one of their planes. Don't let the name fool you...that sucker holds you in TIGHT. You just can't do hundreds of pounds of preload. Just my opinion.
Go for the Sport

I used to own an airplane with the full ratchet harness system, it was absolutely the best way to keep your butt attached to the seat, but I was regularly pushing to -3g. Unless you are going to be pushing hard and regularly (at least intermediate level competition) I would go for the sport harness; it will be much easier to install, it will be easier to strap into, it will be more comfortable on longer trips, and it will hold you nearly as well as the ratchet system. Also your passenger will thank you for installing the sport harness, both in ease of strapping in and room for their feet. As John said, just my opinion.

problem is this, I understand that the sport is more than enough for most operations, but if I do want to do ANY competition I will be REQUIRED to have a second lap belt. So being in the building stages now is the time not later, and the other factor that I have is I already changed my order with Scott @ Hooker once already from the sport to the aero for the FRONT only. I never intended to put it in the back as when I would be using the belt to capacity I will most likely not have a second seater.
Thanks for the thoughts and I am still looking for someone who has done this install
Where I used to fly you could use a second lap belt or a parachute to comply with the rules.

penguin said:
Where I used to fly you could use a second lap belt or a parachute to comply with the rules.


I believe the current rule is Advanced & Unlimited = 2 belts. Everything else is 1 belt. Contest director reserves the right to require 2 belts if he/she feels the sequence warrants it. It'd actually be cool to have the aerobatic system in the plane...I enjoy some good acro myself. I'd just hate to have it there the other 90% of the time. I'm still working on my emp, though, so I may change my mind. In 2 years, you may see me with the acro belts and inverted fuel/oil :D