HELP! Getting Chelton & Grand Rapid EIS to send Fuel TL & Gal/per tank to Display.

Does anyone have simple instructions on how to get a Chelton to display total fuel, fuel remaining in Left tank and fuel remaining in Right tank.
Simple understandable instructions that start with:
#1. Do this first
#2. Do this second

I have done the tank calibration as instructed by the Chelton where you add fuel in 1/10 the tank capacity (For my RV7A that is 2.1 gallons......21 gallons divided by 10 = 2.1). I have also set the GR EIS to 42 total gallons on board. I have the standard Van fuel floats on each tank.

I would love some help if you have done this before and got it to work. THANKS!
Ok, so let's back up just a step or two.

What fuel probes are you using?
What fuel probe convertors if any? Pretty sure you have to use the Cambridge ones with an EIS and you have to calibrate the cambridge convertors too.

Ok, assuming that you've done both the above.

The EIS *only* provides the step numbers to the Chelton, you have to get to the ground maint menu in the Chelton and load those calibration numbers, tell it that you want the fuel totalizer displayed and how much fuel you have *total*.

The way this all works.

a) the cambridge convertors convert a frequency based capacitive fuel probe to a digital number (usually between 0 and I think 1024, but I can't remember for sure.
b) the EIS then sends that number to the Chelton and the chelton uses it's calibration table to convert the 0-1024 number to some fuel number. Basically for example, number 523 might be half 10 gals and 754 might be 23 gals just to make things up.
c) the fuel totalizer works completely separate from the fuel tank probe data, it just subtracts fuel flow from whatever you said was in the tanks when you filled it (you have to set that each time on the Chelton, it won't get that data from the EIS).

This may all be easier on the phone... drop me an email at adamson (underscore) alan at hotmail dot com and I'll give you my cell number and we can talk this thru on the phone. There are some things you probably need to understand about how all this works.

For example, most of the guys running chelton, set NONE of the limits in the EIS, including the fuel, they only set the ones in the Chelton. It's CAWS is much better than the EIS anyway, so it only makes sense to utilize it. In fact, you can set it up so that it will warn you if what the calibrated data shows for fuel remaining is different from what the totalizer shows. This will happen until you calibrate your fuel flow function.

See, it's a sticky woven mess around all of this :)... Actually, it's not too bad, once you understand how it works.

Drop me a note.
Perhaps you are confusing the GRT fuel totalizer operation with the tank fuel level senders? Total fuel numbers on the GRT are based on initial input you give it (you have to tell it how much total fuel you have after you fill the tanks) and the subseqeunt fuel flow data from the flow transducer. Measurements of the fuel levels in the tanks are completely separate and based on either the float-type senders or capacitance-type senders. In short, there are two separate methods of fuel measurement. Calibration of each type is separate as well. May I suggest you give GRT a call while you are in front of your panel and let them help you? Good folks and very patient.
