
Well Known Member
I have a Garmin GNS 400W connected to a Trig TT22 with it set to ADS-B out on Channel 3 (assuming 9600 baud). I get position data (LAT/LON)

My friend has a Garmin 430W connected to a Trig TT31 with it set to ADS-B out on Channel **4** (assuming 9600 baud). He DOES NOT get position data (LAT/LON).

I took his 430W and configured it for CHANNEL 3 (ADS-B Out) and put it in my plane and GOT POSITION data on my TT22.

He took MY 400W and configured it for CHANNEL 4 (ADS-B Out) and put it in his plane and DID NOT GET POSITION data.

????? Question for anyone but especially the Gamin Experts .... ?????

Does the 4xx Series NOT output the ADS-B data on Channel 4?
Is there some way that the baud rate on Channel 4 is OTHER THAN 9600?

We just completed one of two panel upgrades and this is the ONLY problem left!!!

Please help!!!!!!!! :)



The 430W needs the current software to play in the ADSB ballpark. You might look into that. I don't recall the vs. number, but give a Stein a call they can tell you.
I suppose your friend has triple checked his wiring, is it really on port 4?
There are two settings available, "adsb out" and "adsb out+". Which does the TT31 need?
I think the 4xxW needs software V5.03 or higher (?).
Edit: Answer my own question: TT31 manual says that to meet FAR 91.227 the 430W serial out has to be set to "adsb out+".
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The TT31 needs software version 3.12 or higher to communicate with the Garmin 4x0W receiver.
And, as noted above, "ADSB-out" setting on the Garmin is not compliant with 2020 requirements. You need recent (5.03?) software to get the output required, which is 'ADSB-out+'.