Darren S

Well Known Member
My issue is with the AFS 3500. It's running the second latest software 8.03.28.

I went into the calibration menu to turn on the EGT alarm. When I returned to the main screen the EGT scale was all wonky! I went back into the EGT calibration menu to find the upper scale limit with some crazy number like -1947834455. Thereby when the normal screen is up and a cylinder hits a value of 1400, no bars appear because the scale is all buggered up.

In the calibration menu I hold down the joystick to reset this value, NO LUCK.

I called Advanced. They said to update to the latest software. I downloaded the latest software version 8.08.29 to the SD card. Inserted it. NO LUCK. The EFIS doesn't update anything. Just boots up like normal.

Advanced said that if I install the latest software then I'll be able to reset the value for the top of the scale and then set it back to it's normal 1500.

HELP! I can't get the EFIS to update to the latest software even though it's on the SD card. And I can't get the joystick to reset this upper scale value.

Advanced was closed for the weekend by the time I got home from the hanger, so VAF to the rescue.....I hope. Any ideas or things to try ? I'm at a loss.


Not sure if it is still a problem but early on we had to use Sandisk SD cards no larger than 2GB as some brands would absolutely not work. I thought they had fixed this problem but I would try a different card to see. Good Luck, Larry
I would recommend doing a couple things.

Have you posted your issues on the AFS support forum? While Rob does read VAF, you"re likely to get a response quicker off their own support forum. You may even find other builders that experienced similar issues to assist you.

Usually, when the upgraded doesn't appear to be working, all the files tend not to be in the correct locations. Typically you may have placed in a folder instead of the root directory. I've made that mistake before.

I'm assuming that you aren't updating your only SD card and you have backups from previous upgrades available. Compare the file names and locations on that card with the current card. Do all the names and locations match? I think in the software upgrade instructions on the AFS, Rob may have this documented as well.
Ok wonderful suggestions. I will try a different card. I think I placed in the folder not the root directory. That sounds like a place to start! Makes sense and I'll check out their forum. Didn't know they had one.

Thank you guys:)
Email me you phone number if you still can't get it installed:

[email protected]

You can also backup the engine user setting file to the SD card, fix it on a PC using WordPad and then restore the fixed file back to the EFIS.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
The customer service at AFS has been exceptional. It would not surprise me in the least if you get contacted by the Rob or someone else from his shop shortly.

I agree with the other comments about reading and following the manual. It worked for me. The manual is well written but you have to pay attention to detail and follow it accordingly.

I had a corrupt SD card on my AFS4500. Once replaced I did the update and have had no problems since.