
I'm New Here
Hey guys, I just finished my 7 and need to get some flight time in one. I have been getting dual time on a Citabria recently but I really need to fly a few hours on a 7.
I live in the Daytona beach area and I’m willing to travel on the weekends to get some instruction time. I have ~500 hours of total time and about 30 hours in tail wheel.
Anyone out there that can help? Leave a text on three-8-six, 2 nine 5 zero 7-5-3.
Thank you.
I'm a little surprised nobody answered you, but...

Kinda late to start thinking about transition training. Maybe should have started planning for that a while back. In any case, there are instructors around who do that, but the only ones I know of are on the West Coast. Try doing a search of the forums for contact info for some in your area.
I just finished 15 hours of dual instruction in my newly purchased 7. My uncle who is an ag-pilot and builder of an rv-8, Harmon Rocket, and Turbine Legend did the flying with me (he is also a CFI). Let me see if he would be open to doing some flying with you. He is located in Central Arkansas so may be too far for you.