
Legacy Member
A friend is getting ready to hang his engine on his RV-4 and I pointed him to the Illustrated Guide to Engine Hanging.

In that document they suggest you get your copy of Van?s drawing number SK-90A and reference it.

For the life of me I can't find SK-90A.

Could someone send me a copy at bill (at) repucci (dot) com?

email Vans

I can't remember which diagram it was, but I could not find it. I emailed Vans about it and they emailed a copy to me by the next day.

I looked through my RV-4 builders manual and do not see a drawing called
SK-90. I did find SK-88, which is a side view drawing of the engine compartment that shows the approximate layout of the controls. If this is what you need, PM me back, or call my cell, and I will get a copy out to you.

Ross Scroggs
RV-4 #3911
Locust Grove, GA
770-861-1241 Cell
Ck. your email!

Bill, I just emailed a copy of SK90A to you. I'm not really good at posting those kind of things here, so maybe you can post it for any others who might want it! I forget where I found it a few months ago, but I saved a copy!

Hope it helps!
SK90A drawing for engine mounting


There - I think I got it! I hope this helps those who are looking for it!
Thanks Melinda, that is a big help!

Hurry up and finish your -7! I'm sure it will be a thing of beauty.