
Well Known Member
I am about to slice up this angle as drawn in the plans. Reading this forum has lead me to believe there may be an issue drilling the holes as prescribed. I made a rough template of the holes on the gear tower and have discovered that those holes (factory drilled) will not line up properly if I drill these holes as prescribed. Has anyone solved this problem? Does it matter if the holes are slightly misaligned?


I made mine acording to the plans ,ended up using it as a template to make one that worked . All the holes had to be moved a little .
I would make the part as per the plans , when you get the throttle quadrent and cables it might work ,if not you still need to see what way to move the holes .

Two or three lever and different quadrents might vary a little.

I adjusted mine to line up with the quadrant. I had to re-drill and re-tap the vertical attachment screws because I ended up needing the just a little more forward movement of the levers.

I remembered how I lined up the new part . Make the anchor according to the plans but omit the three big holes . Install the anchor in the fuse , use a wood dowel lined up thru the gear tower to locate the holes . I used some shoe polish on the end of the dowel to mark hole location .
Since it appears many builders have made 2 of these, I decided to take a chance and modify the hole locations slightly. I measured the distance between the upper pre-punched holes in the gear towers. 1" separates the two hole centers. 1" also separates the levers (throttle and mixture) in my throttle quadrant so I decided to drill the upper inboard hole as per the plans then adjust the outboard hole to be 1" away on the same plane. The bottom hole was also moved slightly outboard to split the upper 2 holes. Hope that makes sense.

Perhaps this wasn't an issue on older kits but I have read several build logs where it is an issue....

