
Active Member
For those who have not yet left for Oshkosh, could anyone scan in a copy of drawing F-385B/C for an RV-9...any model would probably help. I can not find it in my plans....probably because I did not order float senders originally and they were not sent from Van's when ordered seperately. Anyway, I really can't get all the info I think I need without them and I really wanted to have these tanks done before Thurs when I leave for Osh!

Photo below. It may be a good idea to make the lengths just a tiny bit longer based on my left one (right not done).

RV-9A 90990 wings
Steve said:
Don't forget that 3/4" long length that goes into the rheostat!


Wow, potentially a good point--I'm close to doing this too. Does that mean that the length X of the wire should be about 4" rather than the 3.25" listed on the chart to allow for .75" to go into the rheostat? I almost certainly would have just cut it with both X and Y being the same (as the drawing suggests), potentially leaving me about .75 short on the X side. Alternatively, could it be that Van's has already accomodated for the portion that goes into the rheotat when he came up with the 3.25" for the X measurement?

Thanks for making me think harder about this before I cut it...

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Thanks for the quick response....I definately did not get that drawing! All assembled and it seems to be right at the tolerances at full and empty positions.

Steve, as for the 3/4" bend for the rheostat, that bend is another 90 degree bend 90 degrees to the right or left of the first bend depending on location... confusing to describe, but it will be obvious to you during assembly as the 3/4" will go through the little hole in the middle of the rheostat. Check my site tomorrow, pics should be up by then.

Now to my new problem (new post on site) how to test this thing as there are no obvious wires in or out of it!
alpinelakespilot2000 said:
Wow, potentially a good point--I'm close to doing this too. Does that mean that the length X of the wire should be about 4" rather than the 3.25" listed on the chart to allow for .75" to go into the rheostat? I almost certainly would have just cut it with both X and Y being the same (as the drawing suggests), potentially leaving me about .75 short on the X side. Alternatively, could it be that Van's has already accomodated for the portion that goes into the rheotat when he came up with the 3.25" for the X measurement?

Thanks for making me think harder about this before I cut it...

The drawing just shows the dimensions of the X and Y runs. It doesn't suggest that the wire be cut at either of those bends. The 3/4" dimension is only visible in the side views and ALL drawing views are required to fully describe the parts.
The moral is to be careful when reading prints and look at all the views before making a cut or bend decision.

Kudos for Stewart-Warner...
I missed the 3/4" length on the left sender wire (see above post). I called S-W the following morning. Three phone calls and 3 days later I had a new wire delivered, NO CHARGE.
Lessons learned: Read the prints (RTFM) and don't work too late in the evening.