
Well Known Member
Anyone have any tips on drilling the aileron counterbalence? my wandering drill bit is chewing up the nose rib flange.
Just did that

I drilled the c'balance tubes for my -12 flaperons a few days ago (with considerable trepidation). Results were fine (whew!). Here's the checklist I followed:

> Cleco'd up spar, nose ribs, stnls tube, nose skin, then used a drill to mark all hole locations;
> Secured un-cleco'd tube on the bench with a drill press vise at one end and a V-block at the other;
> Used only new, American made cobalt drill bits, each one good for about 8 to 10 holes;
> Used plenty of Boelube;
> Used a battery powered hand drill, slow speed and moderate, steady pressure;
> Once starting a hole, did not stop until it was done.

I admit this may be a touch of overkill, but I often find that's a good substitute for experience and/or remedy for ignorance. I'm sure you'll get other, more knowledgeable advice here as well.
This is the one that got me. If you stop, you might be done whether you want to be or not.

If you use cutting oil and keep the bit flooded.. Have a helper apply the oil to keep the bit and part cool. You must keep the bit cutting. If it stops cutting before the hole is finished and the oil is smoking, you might have trouble finishing the hole. Very, very slow speed and firm continuous pressure.

And like mentioned above, a battery or electric variable speed drill motor is the best.
help drilling stainless

As a former car wash owner/operator you can drill stainless with any sharp drill bit, BUT slow slow slow speed with LOTS of oil, steady pressure til thru part. I find cordless drills go slow enough, most electric and air drills too fast
mark it and center punch the location of the hole just remember speed kills so if you plan on using the bit again low rpm's, lubricant and heavy pressure.
mark it then center punch the location of the hole. just remember speed kills so if you plan on using the bit again low rpm's, lubricant and heavy pressure.