
A damaged RV-10 in Phoenix has been donated to Jessica Cox's "Impossible Airplane" project for spare parts. I'm looking for anyone in Arizona who would be willing to help me dismantle it to bring it back to Tucson.

I'm especially looking for wing cradles. Portable power tools, too.

Happy to pay for gas and lunch!

My email: Patrick [at] rightfooted [dot] com

Build website:
Hey Patrick,

Happy to help if you are still looking for helpers. I don't have any wing cradles but can bring some portable power tools and a can-do attitude.

Sending you an email
Starting this Sunday, I can help

I'm busy Saturday but starting Sunday I can help anytime, let me know if you still need any help.
A damaged RV-10 in Phoenix has been donated to Jessica Cox's "Impossible Airplane" project for spare parts. I'm looking for anyone in Arizona who would be willing to help me dismantle it to bring it back to Tucson.

I'm especially looking for wing cradles. Portable power tools, too.

Happy to pay for gas and lunch!

My email: Patrick [at] rightfooted [dot] com

Build website:

FYI, if you're looking for wing cradles specifically for shipping, they're not really needed if you have an enclosed trailer. When Stewart Transport shipped my dismantled RV-10, the wings were slinged to the sides of the trailer.

My buddy just shipped his dismantled Luscombe and secured the wings in the same manner.

Shipping 9.jpg

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