
Active Member
A few years ago I created a crude 3D model of an RV-12 to play around with a few trailer concepts. I'm reworking my model to make it more accurate, for experimenting with paint schemes.

Flying surfaces are pretty simple; the fuselage is a bit more of a challenge. Does anyone have drawings of the bulkheads & firewall? I don't need CAD drawings; just simple 2D line drawings. Thanks!



When I worked with the drawings from Vans, the scale of the three views was not consistent between the views. Might be worth checking.

Yeah - that's a bit frustrating. I was able to get the 3 views pretty close with a little stretching. Not accurate enough for engineering, but it'll work ok for paint schemes.

I found a few photos of fuselage bulkheads but there's always perspective distortion. That's why I was hoping to find line drawings.


When I worked with the drawings from Vans, the scale of the three views was not consistent between the views. Might be worth checking.


I'm interested to know what you came up with for a trailer? By the way, your model looks really good to my eye.
Hi Kevin,

Any chance you'd be willing to share that 3D file? I sure would love to get my hands on it to help plan my paint scheme! What software did you use to build it? (I'd be looking for an IGES, STEP, or Solidworks...)
Hi Kevin,

Any chance you'd be willing to share that 3D file? I sure would love to get my hands on it to help plan my paint scheme! What software did you use to build it? (I'd be looking for an IGES, STEP, or Solidworks...)

Sorry - I'm not using a "real" CAD program to model the RV-12. I'm using a polygon modeler. It can't save any of the solid model formats (IGES, STEP, Solidworks, etc.).

Judging by some images I've seen from Vans, it looks like they modeled the 12 using 3D CAD. But I'm sure they'd never share those files.
Much better! The wingtips and pants make a huge difference.
The rudder could use a little tweaking now.
Very few RV 12s have the stabilator rounded tips, it is an extra not offered by Vans.
The rudder top lacks the outline of the real rudder, and it APPEARS to be longer front to rear than the real thing.
The rudder top lacks the outline of the real rudder, and it APPEARS to be longer front to rear than the real thing.
I "traced" the 2D drawing when I modeled my 3D rudder & vert. stab. It's possible the 2D drawing might not be 100% accurate.

Here is my tail with a translucent red skin. The 2D drawing is directly behind it:
Hello Kevin,
I am interested in this 3D model, and would like to get or purchase a copy. Can you make it available ?

Can this be used by a 3-d Printer?

If that's the case I can get some models mace.

Wayne 120241/143WM

STILL Waiting after 4 weeks for new blades from Sensenich!!!!!
Desk sized models?

I would be very interested in buying a desk sized plastic (3D printer) model of the RV-12. Would hand paint it...good winter project. Suspect there might be a market out there to be satisfied...