
I just pealed the plastic off my left elevator skin and this is what I found.
It is all around the edges. How do I get rid of it?

I used a 1" polish wheel on the die grinder and the aluminum has pitted underneath the corrosion. It is also all along the bend of the trailing edge. I could use sand paper to get it out, then what, do I have to prime the whole interior surface of the elevator? The right side is already riveted together. Will priming one side put everyhing off balance. It is also on the outside of the skin. What do I do after cleaning that off?
A new skin is only $81.15 is that the best way to go. Am I worring to much about nothing?

How long had the blue stuff been on the skin? How old is the kit?

I bought an unstarted kit in October 2008. The kit was purchased new in July 2007. In the whole kit this is the only place I have had any corrosion. Figures as I just told the Wife "This is our last piece in this kit".
What a day wrecker this is.
The blue stuff is suppose to be removed fairly soon per Vans instructions. I would remove all of the other blue stuff and just reorder any parts you are concerned about. Cheap lesson IMHO
Larry you are correct

The blue stuff is suppose to be removed fairly soon per Vans instructions. I would remove all of the other blue stuff and just reorder any parts you are concerned about. Cheap lesson IMHO

A very cheap lesson. I have replaced every part I didn't like so far so why start scrimping now. The wing kit will have every piece of plastic removed at inventory.
Someday (hopefully never) I may have to learn how to repair corrosion, I guess thats why I read Aircrtft Structural Technician, but not in my new plane.
Will priming one side put everything off balance. It is also on the outside of the skin. What do I do after cleaning that off?
A new skin is only $81.15 is that the best way to go. Am I worrying to much about nothing?
No; Priming one side will NOT cause a problem. And
Yes; You are worrying too much about little. Clean it up, prime it and get on with building.
Scotchbrite it off and hit it with some primer and move on.

Never know it was there after that.
I polish my plane with Nuvite, it will take that off with no problem. Probably want to use grade F7, with a buffer. Check out Perfect Polish.
No need to worry about it.

Just hit it with a scotchbrite pad until it is all gone. If you need something more aggressive, try a 1" scotchbrite wheel (avail from Avery) and put it on a die grider.

Then hit it with some primer. Or you can rub some alodine on it and then prime it. That's probably what I would do.

No need to worry about it. You're doing jsut fine..

After you remove the visible corrosion, I think you need to neutralize the corrosion before you prime as you may not get it all & there may be some left in the pits. Also, in removing the corrosion, you'll remove the alclad. Use a phosphoric acid etch, rinse, then prime.
I had a similar problem with my RV-9A wing kit several years ago. Mine sat in a heated hangar for little over a year before I started building them. Most of the pieces had the clear stuff, the rest the blue film. I had corrosion worse than yours. Mine was mostly in the middle and NOT next to the holes or edges. It was so bad it would actually flake. Note however, that there were no signs what so ever of moisture in the crate. All the paper wrapping was dry as a bone and no stains anywhere!! Our EAA chapter happens to have a member who is a FAA DAR. He inspected and did not feel good about them. Enough said for me, so I called Van's and told them what I had and they wanted to see them. So off I go for the 2.5 hr drive loaded up with ALL the skins in the kit in the back of my Expedition. Yes, they actually all fit!

To protect the people at Van's I'll use #1, #2, etc....

#1 knew I was coming so when I arrived we went out to my vehicle to see all the skins. It was pouring rain!! He was rathered mistified over what he saw. Knew something wasn't right, but not really sure what could have caused that since it appeared that the skins would have had to been wet when the film was applied. He calls over #2 for an opinion. Without anything further said other than take a look, #2 proceeds to chew my %^$# and let me know they weren't going to do squat for me. He said I was stupid for not removing the film. I just happened to have MY builders manual handy so I showed him how mine stated to LEAVE IT ON TO AVOID scratches!! He said a few choice words and walked away. #1 was embarrassed about how #2 reacted, so we retreated inside so we could discuss this and come to a resolution. When we came in, he showed me the machine that puts the film on and than starts the discussion. While he is explaining how they would never put the film over wet aluminum, the outside door opens and in comes a forklift with a load of aluminum. Remember, it's raining big time outside and his load of alum is dripping wet. So, as #1 is explaining things, I'm watching this kids run WET aluminum through the machine. #1, who see's I'm distracted by something, turns to see what I'm watching. We are both standing there watching what NEVER suppose to happen.:eek: He turns to me and says, "What can I do to make this right?" It reminds me of that "priceless" credit card commercial! Anyway, I didn't expect Free skins because I let them set for 1+ years, so I more than willingly accepted all new skins at Van's cost....which was really cheap...and besides...seeing his expression was $$$PRICELESS$$$
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