brad walton

Well Known Member
A friend asked me to post this for him. We need volunteers to help with construction:

To The RV Builders in the Houston Area,

My name is Thomas Stein and I am a long-time pilot and flight instructor in the Houston area, and the Construction Foreman with the Alief Independent School District.

Alief ISD would like to partner with Eagle?s Nest Foundation and have some of our students build a Vans RV-12 at one of our high schools. One of the requirements of the Foundation is that we have homebuilders with RV experienced overseeing and mentoring the students as they work on this project. The STEM teacher that is leading the project is named Steward Bailey and he is a certified A & P mechanic, and will be there throughout the construction. The aircraft will be assembled at the Elsik High School, located near the intersection of Dairy-Ashford Drive and the West Park Tollway, in southwest Houston. Eagle?s Nest will supply the materials, and all the tools will be provided, but they would like a minimum of four (4) experienced RV builders to be involved to mentors to the students. With enough volunteers, it may mean a commitment of around 1-2 hours per person, every couple of weeks, throughout the school year.

Alief is predominately a low income school district, and most of the kids would never have the opportunity to experience aviation if not for projects like this. We at Alief think that this is not just an opportunity for some young people to build an airplane, but to also learn meaningful academic subjects, as well as lessons in personal enrichment. If you ever wanted to share your skills and expand the great community that we call ?Aviation?, this is your chance. What we need is your time and talent, as well as your hands and your hearts.

Mr. Steward Bailey can be emailed directly at [email protected], or you may contact me on my district cell phone at (281) 808-2293 during school hours, or at [email protected]. If you love to build and want to help lift up some worthy kids in the process, this is your chance. We really need your participation.

Thomas Stein, CFI
The RV experience Eagle's Nest would like to see is not limited to Rv-12 s. Any type of prior RV construction experience is acceptable
Need some help...please!

We are still looking for volunteers to help these High School kids
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