
Well Known Member
I want to build a home simulator for avionics/IFR practice. Not to log time but master/refresh IFR skills for upgraded RV7 panel. RV7 has Dynon HDX, Garmin SL30 and Garmin 175 avionics for IFR operations.

Looking to build X-Plane based WinPC simulator. Can’t locate hardware/software combo to build experience in managing (button-pushing) the HDX, 175, and SL30 interactions.

Already using the Garmin 175 standalone sim software from Garmin, and actually flying the full system VFR.

Anyone with recommendations/experience with WinPC sim of integrated HDX and G 175? SL30 is lower priority.

Seems the available sim add-ons (mini-panels or software representations) are mostly Garmin 430/530 generation.



I would say that nothing beats actual experience in the airplane. My advice is grab a friend, “preferably a CFII” and go under the hood. Before long you’ll be flying GPS approaches like a pro 737 driver!

Good luck with the sim idea. :D
I can't offer any advise but I'd be interested in what you find. I have the same setup as you (HDX, GPS175, emulated SL30) in my 9A. I know there are no HDX simulations out there. You might be able to find a 650, that would be functionally very close to the 175.

The Garmin desktop trainer is pretty good and it adds a G3X and simple autopilot to round out the experience, but the HDX is quite different from the G3X. It's a very useful setup for figuring out the GPS175. If you are just practicing IFR procedures, you don't really need the flight simulated view out the window, so the Garmin trainer comes pretty close.