
I finally entered the minority and became an experimental aircraft builder. On December 20th, I ordered the RV-14 Empennage Kit from Van's. On January 5th, I received the FIRST kit shipment. YES, the FIRST! FedEx tried to deliver this to me.....

After consulting with Van's, I refused the delivery from FedEx. On February 1st, I received the SECOND kit shipment in this condition.....

Talk about two very different deliveries. Anyway, I completed the inventory and started building. On March 9th, I achieved my first milestone.....completion of the Vertical Stabilizer. The Rudder is now 75ish% complete and coming together nicely.

I've had the opportunity to learn many different things from other builder's websites and blogs. So, I've attached a link to my blog below in hopes of possibly returning the favor. Additionally, there are many big brains and repeat offenders here in the forums. So, if anyone sees anything on my blog that may look "not right" as I'm building, please let me know.....It would be most appreciated! Glad to finally be part of the community.

Happy building and safe flying.
Welcome the the RV world.

Do not throw all those metal bands away. They make the best stir sticks for epoxy or paint. Use your tin snips to cut them in 6 to 8" lengths. You can easy cut custom shapes for various jobs. It takes seconds on your scotch brite wheel to get rid of the sharp edges.


Get folks who travel a lot to save those hotel key cards. They are my favourite tool for spreading flox, fillers etc. Again you can cut them to the shape required.

There you go FREE TOOLS!
I finally entered the minority and became an experimental aircraft builder.

I used to think I was minority till I went to Air Venture last summer! RV builders/Flyers were the majority there!.....

Welcome to the crowd!
Thanks everyone

Wirejock, your blog was one of the sites I was referring to in my original post. Thanks for all the information.

Tom, thanks for the great ideas....I'll need all the help I can get.
Yup, one of the two crates in my wing kit delivery was smashed up similar to (but not as badly) as yours. As long as Van's prepays the shipment it is very easy to make things right. Just provide proof of the damage to Van's and they take care of the rest. Great service!
Welcome the the RV world.

Do not throw all those metal bands away. They make the best stir sticks for epoxy or paint. Use your tin snips to cut them in 6 to 8" lengths. You can easy cut custom shapes for various jobs. It takes seconds on your scotch brite wheel to get rid of the sharp edges.


Get folks who travel a lot to save those hotel key cards. They are my favourite tool for spreading flox, fillers etc. Again you can cut them to the shape required.

There you go FREE TOOLS!

......... And if you were building a 3, 4 or a six, you would use these straps to layout rivet lines on curved surfaces......:D

Hello VJ. You're off to a great start! Looking at your blog, it appears you are very organized and meticulous, and your work reflects that. Hopefully, you'll pass me up so I can use your blog for reference:). I already saw something on there that I want to try out. The Preval Spray System looks like a good idea for small parts and touch up.

p.s. Saw on your profile, you're an ATC controller. Chances are, we've talked before. What part of the country you cover?