In 1997 I earned my PPL and immediately knew that I wanted to build one day. I attended Sun n Fun and was bitten by the bug. Fast forward and I have finally pulled the trigger.

I have been reading the forum for a few months and want to thank you all for the wealth of information you have shared. It has helped me make the decision to build the 12 (along with the demo flight @ Seabring) as well as opened my eyes to some things to expect and prepare for during the build.

Tail kit should be delivered Thursday. I have spent quite a few hours in the garage getting the "shop" ready. Today I built a solid work table and now I wait.

Again, thank you.

Welcome to VAF!

Gary, welcome to VAF:D

Just remember-------------

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Hi Gary,
At last count, I had 14 RV-12's listed as being built or flying in Vic. Bound to be more by now. I'm sure there will be someone nearby to lend a hand if necessary.
Welcome aboard Gary, you will find this to be a friendly helpful place to help you build when you encounter problems or just need to chat. I hope you enjoy the build as much as I have.
Welcome Gary---yes there is alot of help on VAF, and many builders in Florida, (as well as Australia). Enjoy the journey.
You will love the building experience! For a great reference, see and download (RHS of the screen) the build pdfs. Also Tony Tessitore's pics.
Welcome Gary.

Wondering what your build number is. (120???)

Just wondering how many 12's have been started.

Thanks, Dave
Hey Gary, welcome to the group. Melbourne, I thought that was near Cuber, but I see it's just a few steps east of Sun & Fun. You will enjoy the build. Just dissolve the occasional frustrations with patience and a smile.
Dick Seiders 120093
@DaveLS - Delivery of the Tail/Emp kit was pushed back to next week. I have some paperwork with an order number on it (at the office). Haven't seen a Builder number yet. Will it be on the plans or provided with the kit?
Welcome to the family...

Recommend the homebuilt help videos.

I ended up ripping them to my iPad and I watch them perform the steps and then I read, I rewatch, and then reread and then finally do the task..

Note- there have been slight modifications since they recorded so not every video matches 100%. Specifically the ADHARS connectivity in that tailcone.

The builders number should be on your invoice, it serves as your ID cross reference for Vans. The first two numbers are from the model, here the 1 2 are from RV12. The last four numbers represent the chronological order of your start. thus my number, 120500, indicates that My RV12 was the five hundredth RV12 started.

Enjoy the build.

For what it is worth I have found that the shipping crates on saw horses make great work benches.

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