
I'm New Here
Hello all!

My name is Tony Skahan. I manage Stark Avionics. Some of you might know me already. I'm not exactly sure how this forum works. I don't know if I will be notified in some way if someone would like to ask a question of me. So please be patient with me as I learn this process.

Most of our customers know already that we will do whatever we can to assist you "after the sale" if you are having technical issues. I would say that the majority of the issues deal with the configuration of new avionics. As many of you may know, it is rather difficult to troubleshoot problems over the phone or via email. The ideal situation would be for us to be present at your airplane. Of course, that's not really an option. But, we will continue to strive to do our best in assisting you with your projects in whatever way we can.

John and I have a wide ranging experience in many different types of avionics systems and airframes. We are always willing to share information with all of you in the effort to get your plane up and flying.

Thank you for reading this. I hope there will be other posts to follow as time goes on.

Tony Skahan
Garmin 530W Problems

Hi Tony,

This is John R out in Arizona. Remember me? I'm the guy that got the terrain function DOA from Garmin on my 530W, followed by the antenna and latch difficulties.

Finally got it all sorted out! Thanks again for your extrordinary customer service!

Thanks for providing access to great products at a price us homebuilders can afford. I have not purchased anything yet but I have checked your prices and you guys rock! I have heard nothing but the best from the people here about your service and all the work you put into the wiring harnesses and such.

Love the email autoresponder quotes too!

A few years ago, I purchased an avionics package from Stark and installed it in my 6A. Your price could not be beat anywhere. In part, that was because at the time, your profit margin was so thin you did not accept plastic which in turn would force you to pay the credit card companies their tribute. I respect that.

Just yesterday I received a quote from John that was fully $450 less than the price for the same avionics package available in Van's catalog. John was so straight up to suggest I could buy comm and transponder antennas at a cheaper price from another source. You can be sure I will place another order with Stark Avionics soon. In the meantime, I hope to see you here often just to let us know what's going on in the ever changing world of avionics.

It is great to have you on here. You guys did a great job on my avionics and have always answered my questions.

Thanks again.
Worldwide vendor

Hi Tony,

Welcome to VAF - great to have another one of 'THE' RV vendors monitoring and involved.

We are another (indirect) happy customer - New Zealand based, good work, best pricing. :)

Blue skies,


How do we get in touch with you?

Web address?


Phone #?

Let me know?

Carl Nank

RV7-A, canopy
Great Service

I purchased most of my avionics from Stark. The service before and after purchase was excellent. I was able to purchase my trays first and get them installed. Then, about 6 weeks before flying, I ordered the actual radios. This way I didn't burn up the warranty sitting on the shelf.

I am not an electronic type of person and they were great on what must have been some stupid questions.
RV7Guy said:
I purchased most of my avionics from Stark. The service before and after purchase was excellent. I was able to purchase my trays first and get them installed. Then, about 6 weeks before flying, I ordered the actual radios. This way I didn't burn up the warranty sitting on the shelf.

I am not an electronic type of person and they were great on what must have been some stupid questions.

Let me just say that no question is a stupid question. John and I are well aware that the majority of you guys out there building these planes have little to no experience in avionics. I think that if I had to do a project that was in your field of expertise (whatever that may be), I would ask just as many questions before, during and after....
The instant quote does not seem to be working for the GTX320A.

I did try it a couple of times. - Just FYI.

Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:

Recipient address: [email protected]
Reason: Remote SMTP server has rejected address
Diagnostic code: smtp;550 <[email protected]>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table
Remote system: dns; (TCP||35214||25) ( ESMTP Postfix)
I bought my comm, transponder and autopilot from Stark. Great service, great prices. I'd do it again in an instant. :)
I just received my Digiflight VSG on Thursday and I must say the $500 left in MY pocket rather than Visa's really pleases me. I wish Vans would offer a "no credit card discount"
B737NG said:
The instant quote does not seem to be working for the GTX320A.

I did try it a couple of times. - Just FYI.

Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:

Recipient address: [email protected]

I'll look into that today to ensure that it's still set up correctly. Those auto-quotes are a really nice thing but they don't seem to work for everyone.

We aren't sure why. We get calls about that every so often.

I will check on it though. Thanks for letting me know.

Yukon said:
Hi Tony,

This is John R out in Arizona. Remember me? I'm the guy that got the terrain function DOA from Garmin on my 530W, followed by the antenna and latch difficulties.

Finally got it all sorted out! Thanks again for your extrordinary customer service!

Hello John, I'm glad that it all worked out in the end for you.

FYI: There are two types of latches that you will find in G.A. avionics. There are plastic and metal. The plastic are pretty much phased out on newer units and only found on older stuff. They are really easy to wear out and break if abused in any way at all.

The Garmin International units and Garmn AT units all come with metal latches which are much harder to initially operate than plastic are. From the installers view, the tighter the latch is when new, the longer it will last in the airplane through the years. If removed and reinstalled often, they will eventually wear out and get sloppy. I haven't seen a Garmin latch break yet in almost 10 years though.

Good luck with your airplane!

I bought an IFR pre-wire

for my 7a from Stark....I couldn't have been more impressed, it was the second best decision....The first was to build an RV...:)

Anyone else having trouble with the Stark web page? I keep getting the "problem loading page" message...

Huh. Works fine for me now (at home) ... the last two times I tried it was at work in the wee hours of the AM. Maybe the hospital firewall is blocking it somehow...
