Kato's 8

Well Known Member
Hello RV-8'ers!
I just could not stand it any longer! I bought a RV-8 QB kit and just recieved the emp. Why did I do this you ask? Well, after many flights in my trusty Citabria along side a RV-8 who is struggling to fly slow enough for me I had to do something. I also like the tandom configuration and sliding canopy. 'nough said. So....I am currently setting up shop. I have recieved tool orders and built benches, and now I'm deciding on weather to prime or not to prime.

So, hello everyone. I look forward to reading more on this forum and learning all I can from all of you.


Welcome to VAF and good luck with your project! There's lots of support available here (and home in MO). Have fun,

Welcome! I just got my emp kit as well and can hardly wait to get started. Just need to get tools and workshop in order.


Welcome Bill! I too built a QB, actually it should be called a VAFQB8 since this site really does accelerate the build process and keep you motivated during the low points. Good Luck!
New RV-8 Builder

Welcome Bill.

First of all, you chose the pick of the RV litter! You're beginning a wonderful journey, with an incredible destination. I can't believe it's been over thirteen years since I was where you are now. I had all kind of doubts as to the eventual outcome, but what a great ride it was, and continues to be to this day.

Have fun, and keep your eye on the prize!

I have lots of time in a citabria, trust me you will absolutely love a rv-8....bubble cockpit, stick and rudder oh yes! Im planning on putting gun sights on my rv8 when im done building it:) welcome here and good luck


This is certainly the site to join. It has saved me thousands of dollars by reading about the process's others have undertaken first. I have a Citabria too. Love it, put it on floats in the summer...and I am still thinking in the back of my mind that it would be cool to put the RV8 on floats too...this building thing will give you all kinds of crazy ideas...build on...and everyone don't forget to donate to keep this site up and running...

I just got started too- but with that QB you sure will flying a lot sooner than I!



Thanks Dave. I'm not sure I'm going to be any quicker than you as I have just started the emp after getting the kit 2 months ago. Hope you are moving better that.
Thanks for the welcome. I realize that the rivits don't pound themselves now. I don't mind doing them though. I wish the edge deburring would do it on its own though!