
Well Known Member
Just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I'm currently reading the forums as quickly as possible. I am considering building a RV and am leaning towards a RV-9/9A. I can't quite decide on the tailwheel issue - I love tailwheel flying, though.

Some background... I am 22 years old and live in Iowa. I am a CFII and flight instruct full-time currently. I am ready to enjoy aviation on my own terms, though, so I approached my dad about building a RV (we've seen plenty) and he is up for it. Now we're just doing our research!

At any rate... I am enjoying the forums and many builder sites. Look forward to chatting with all of you.

Clear skies,
Glad to have you as part of the community. I'm building a RV9A, and love it! I suggest buying the Vans practice kit so you can pound a few rivets to and get the feel for it. You'll be hooked in a hurry.

950 hours and counting... just rolled the fuselage canoe!
Thanks! I have ordered the DVD from Vans just to get a feel for things (in addition to all of my other reading). :)

- Casey
Welcome to the forum aviationgeek84! I'm in the process of building an RV-9 and I'm in the middle of the wings. If I can help in any way - lemme know.

Lets see now.... 22 years old, likes taildraggers,.......RV9!!!
Your dad probably wants the 9, too. :)

Just tonight I was at 65 on short final. (I like to stay around 70mph)
It felt weird to be so slow after spending the last half hour flying around at 140kts+. This plane does many things well and is very forgiving. Landings provide just enough of a challenge to keep you on your toes yet you can consistently nail them with practice.

You guys will love it, specially on long X/Cs.
I was building a 9a now I own a RV7...

I bought a RV9a kit based on my previous experiences (pipers mostly) and the amount of XC time I log, but opportunity and necessity (my wife is 8 months and counting pregnant- the functional usefulness of a 2 seater diminishes after the baby is born) caused me to sell my kit and buy a flying RV7.

I had ZERO tailwheel time and ZERO acrobatic time. I also had ZERO interest in acro.

Lo and behold, I have 20+ hours of insurance required dual (5 more to go) and I can honestly say I can land a taildragger (maybe not the first time around the patch) and just today I got an introduction into aileron rolls and split "S"('s- plural). My very kind instructor says, "oh- everyone needs to build their G tolerance".

You really can't go wrong with any of Vans FANTASTIC flying machines, but at age 22- you got a lot of time to grow into more than straight and level flying. Look at the RV7 (taildragging sure is fun!) as an opportunity to expand your flying skills into acrobatics (if you want).

Otherwise- I think the NINE is divine!


Good to see you made your way over here.

As I said in my emails, you will get a lot of advice here. Notice I didn't say good advice, just advice. ;)

See, someone is already trying to talk you into a -7.

Do we have any RV'ers in Iowa that can give Casey and his father a ride? Maybe you can work a deal for a free bi-annual.
Where in Iowa?

Hi Casey,

I get to Ames quite a bit in my -9A from Minne. As long as you are not a Hawkeye fan, I'm sure we can work something out.