
Well Known Member
Good day mates!!!

i am just wondering if any of you guys from down under can set me up with someone who is working, if not even flying, for the RFDS.
I was on vacation in Australia in 2007 and since then the bug is itching me what it is like to work at RFDS as a pilot.
I already checked out the official websites and just want to get in contact with someone who can give me more impressions, information and need-to-knows first handed.
I am a military air transport pilot and i am just not satisfied with my duties any more.


It may be worth posting this question at PPRUNE in the sub sectin called DG&P General Aviation & Questions.
A lot of pilots look there.
Be aware some of the replies there may be helpful, and some are from less helpful people.

A direct link to the site is


You have to register to post there.
Hope this helps.
How is it going? Are you getting any useful contacts?
If you want some translation of the replies on the PPRUNE site let me know.
In my limited experience, if you persist with an ambition (eg to fly with RFDS) it usually works out. Yopur qualifications are likely to be very well regarded - RFDS look for experienced pilots when they recruit.

I have a mate Dan Compton who until very recently was flying with the RFDS. I think he is a member on this site too though not sure. If you would like I can pass your contact information onto him and put you in touch with each other. Please send me a PM with your details and I will forward them on.:)

Cheers, Greg (RV-7A FADEC, WW200RV)
Biggles: PM sent.

PPRune worked out well so far.

Thanks guys,

please keep posting and i keep you in the loop!!:D

Ahhhhh pproooone is good for something after all.

Suggest you contact morno, jamair and TKFS for some hints and tips.

All good mates of mine and in Gods country.......Queensland :D

Tell them Jaba sent ya!

And gooday to all you Ozmates :)
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