
Well Known Member
Hi all!

I need to buy an ELT for the -10 I'm building, and I've been offered a good and very well-priced ELT, but it's a helicopter version (Kannad Integra AP-H) rather than airplane version. Does anyone understand the differences well enough to advise whether this is reasonable to use on an airplane?

My naive understanding is that they have sensors in multiple directions (since the helicopter won't necessarily be moving forward when it crashes), so technically it'd work at least just as well, if not better, than the airplane version, but I suspect there must be a catch :) maybe it activates too easily for an airplane?

I don't know the answer to your question except regarding your comment that it would activate easier in the airplane I think it would be the other way since the helicopters vibrate so much and bounce around more than an airplane.

That was just my immediate thought when you mentioned it since I've been flying both for many years.
The Heli unit is to sensitive and designed to activate in a different direction. Good thing you asked the question here.
How do I know, I activated mine in a steep turn pulling hard. :eek:
G switch

The G switch adds one axis. The thought is that vertical impact is more likely to happen. I would think this is just fine for an RV. Stats show that ELTs are not very good at activation in some incidents.... I would think newer tech would be in order. Like an air bag sensor... perhaps. But I am not holding my breath.
Rodrigo - the short answer is that you are better off not installing an "H" model ELT in your fixed-wing aircraft.

As has been indicated in previous posts, the H model contains a completely different G-switch mechanism which is unsuited to use in a fixed-wing aircraft.

If you take a read through the installation manual you'll see the Integra (non-H) can be installed in helicopters with the unit inclined on a 45 degree angle to the longitudinal axis of the helictoper. Note the H model is installed either parallel to or perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the helicopter. Note also the manufacturer specifically includes this note in the installation manual (Page 15 of DOC09081E).
"IMPORTANT: AF-H INTEGRA is designed to be mounted on board
helicopters only."
Hi all! I need to buy an ELT for the -10 I'm building, and I've been offered a good and very well-priced ELT, but it's a helicopter version (Kannad Integra AP-H)
H ELT has both Horz and vertical G sensing, where airplane is Horz only, fwd and aft. ELT's are not that expensive. Also you want newer one that operates on 406 MHz and has GPS position.

That model lists for $1300. That is nice and all but what are battery cost. What is a good deal. You can by a good 406 ELT for $400. I am guessing the Kannad battery cost a lot....

If you set it off every time you land that might be an issue. Contact the Manufacture and ask them if you can use it in a plane or turn off the Vert G sensor.