
I'm New Here
I'm beginning a build soon, and just want to see how much trouble I'll have with seat/rudder adjustments in an rv-10...

I'm 5'10", but my wife (CFI) is 5'0", and needs some sort of cushion in basically anything except maybe a C-150...

How much adjustment is there in the seats and rudder pedals going off of the plans? She'll probably always be right seat, even if she's flying alone, so the adjustments don't need to be overly convenient, just possible for when I take someone else in her seat :)
Your bigger problem will probably be getting to full flare without the stick hitting her body. So, most likely the need will come down to getting the pedals closer to her, and not her closer to the pedals.
My wife is 5'3" and flies from the left with no issues. She has to move the seat to the most forward position. I built with the pedals in the most forward position. I suspect the brakes will be the issue more than the rudders. I believe that Tim Olson may have made some pedal extensions
Your bigger problem will probably be getting to full flare without the stick hitting her body. So, most likely the need will come down to getting the pedals closer to her, and not her closer to the pedals.

That makes sense! I'd looked around a bit and it looks like there's at least some adjustment there, but not as much as like a diamond or something where she'd just slide it all back...
LOL---I'm sorry, being vertically deficient myself, I just couldnt resist :eek:



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I have a big problem with political correctness.

At 5'4" I am NOT "vertically challenged"!

I am NOT "vertically deficient"!

I am SHORT! And there"s nothing wrong with that!

So There!
The pedal adjustments on the 10 involve moving bolts, and also changing out the cable links, so it’s not something you want to do every day. Also, both sets of pedals move together - move right side pedals aft (towards the seat), left side moves too. As someone else mentioned full fore-aft stick movement just barely fits between the instrument panel and the seat cushion, when the seat is full forward. I think blocks on the pedals are your solution. For reference, I’m 5’6”, have pedals in the aft (closer to me) position, and fly with my seat 1 notch aft of full forward. No problem with seeing over the glareshield. Also as mentioned, I think Tim Olsen built some blocks for his daughter.
Mel, you are correct!! Nothing wrong with being short. They make step stools and ladders that fit me pretty good. Like you, I'm 5'4" on a good day

The pedal adjustments on the 10 involve moving bolts, and also changing out the cable links, so it’s not something you want to do every day. Also, both sets of pedals move together - move right side pedals aft (towards the seat), left side moves too. As someone else mentioned full fore-aft stick movement just barely fits between the instrument panel and the seat cushion, when the seat is full forward. I think blocks on the pedals are your solution. For reference, I’m 5’6”, have pedals in the aft (closer to me) position, and fly with my seat 1 notch aft of full forward. No problem with seeing over the glareshield. Also as mentioned, I think Tim Olsen built some blocks for his daughter.

This is great info! I wasn't aware the adjustments applied to both sides, that would certainly change things! I can see the argument for making some pedal extensions that would just be there most of the time, but easy to remove when needed.