dan carley

Well Known Member
Just bought a Rv6 and the plane flies right wing heavy
I went through all the adjustments with the wing jugs
Level the wing out and it still has a bad right wing heavy
I heard about squeezing the aileron but not sure
How it’s done ?
Does anyone have an idea how to fix the problem
Dan carley
Guess it’s my turn

The search tool here will more than answer how, where and how much. It works, just don’t try to get it all in one squeeze. Takes very little for a lot of result.

Hope you r not pulling my leg. Log in first and foremost. No log in , no searches. Log and go to this / your post. Look at the solid blue boarder above you post. Click on white letters SEARCH....read the screen, as it tells you what to do to search for “ heavy wing”. Also this info is on Vans website, happens often enough that the mother ship addressed it with instructions on how to squeeze to make better.
Vans has an article on it. Its surprising how little of a squeeze it takes to make a noticeable difference. Search for vans heavy wing article and it will talk you through it.
My right heavy wing problem was related to this. My left aileron was 1/16th lower at the outboard end. I fixed it with a new BLANK bracket. I was amazed how such a small deviation could have a major effect.

From Van's:
(emphasis mine)

"Recheck the centerline of the tooling holes of the main wing ribs and the aileron ribs to be sure they are above the bearing pivot holes in the aileron attach brackets (per plans). This displacement should be checked on both inboard and outboard ends of the ailerons for both wings while the ailerons are set in trail with the wing template. The absolute dimension is not as critical as is the fact that both ends of each aileron and both ailerons be the same. If they are off by as little as 1/8″ anywhere relative to each other, then it must be fixed. The fix is to simply purchase new A-406 BLANK or A-407 BLANK aileron attach brackets and drill displaced attaching holes in them to correct the asymmetry. (RV9/9A and RV-10 builders will find the parts oversize but useable with trimming). Slotting the attach holes in the original attach brackets for test purposes is fine but the final hole position should be transferred to new brackets for permanent installation."
My 6A was a little left wing heavy. The rigging looked right to me and the trailing edges of the ailerons had the same radius based on my measurements. I reluctantly squeezed the trailing edge of my right aileron very slightly with the bending pliers and after a couple of test flights it seems to be flying level. John