
I purchased my -10 from a builder. Wanted to take a passenger up, but concerned about size and weight. I’m looking at weight and balance, but wanted to see if there were other considerations. Passenger is 6’2” and 320 lbs. Thanks for your time!

713-502-9081 cell
Shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve taken up a guy that was around the same weight but around 6’6” and I’m 195. But you’ll need to run a W&B based upon your plane and configuration to be sure.
I suggest putting him in the co-pilot seat and not taking anyone or anything in the back.

Get your sharp pencil out and do the math. You should work your way up to full gross, but in small steps.

If you’ve got Foreflight, there’a a nice W&B calculator built in that you can set up.. most EFIS have something similar I believe.
I've had a friend that big come fly with us. I'd actually suggest putting them by themself in the backseat, tons more room back there and easier to get in and out. Not Quite the same experiance as up front, but he'll still have a good time and we had his daughter up front. Just my 2cents.