
Active Member
I am building a new glass panel for the 6A and have all the instruments mounted and I am in the wireing phase. Panel consists of D-100, D-120, HS-34, Flight Cheetah FL-210, Garmin 250XL, Garmin SL-30, Garmin 327, KA 134 audio, backup 2 and 1/4" instruments for fuel, attitude, altitude, tachometer, a dozen or so circuit breakers and some toggle swithces. I have had the occasion to lift and move the panel several times and, boy does it feel heavy. Has anyone who converted to glass measured the weight of the glass panel compared with the steam guage panel. I initially thought it would be much lighter, but maybe not. Bob.

May I suggest you remove the backup engine instruments?

Those Dynons are VERY reliable. Besides, if the D120 goes blank, I think you can get home to sort it out.
Also, with two fuel gauges and some of the others, you remind me of the man with two watches, who never knows what time it is.

But to answer your question, like you, I was surprised at how heavy my simple panel was.
panel weight

My simple steam gauge panel weighed 23 lbs.

Always wondered what a glass panel would weigh. I would think it'd be lighter.

Anybody else weight their panel?

First, if you have dual fuel gauges, you need dual fuel senders. You cannot hook the gauge to the Dynon and the analog gauge at the same time. Neither will read right.

A vaccum pump weighs 2.2lbs all by itself. 2.5 with the gauge and tubing. A D100 weighs 2oz less than just the vaccum pump and tubing.

Not all the weight of a "simple panel" is in the panel. But what we have here is far from a simple panel with dual comms, dual GPS units, a full audio panel and a ton of backup!

If you really want to save weight, upgrade the D120 to a D180, which will get you full redundant primary flight info in less than one extra pound.

Mine weighs 5.75kg. Dunno what that is in lbs, but not much. You can see it at tecnet.com.au under Images.
