
Well Known Member
I already have an unused hold in my firewall about 3 inches towards the starboard side of the aircraft from the suggested location of the heater valve, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this location will cause issues with things hanging off the back of the engine. I won't get my engine for a few more weeks it seems, and of course I can wait, but I thought someone might be able to give me an idea.

Hi Mickey,

I have a TMXO360 on my -8. I installed two heater valves in that area without issues. One closer to the centerline and one in the standard location, both anchored on a cross member.

RV-8 heater

Here is a picture of the firewall mounted heater box location, and the outlet in the cockpit. This will allow the rear passenger to get heater air. The outlet can be positioned to allow the air to pass by the pilot's right side, directly to the rear seater. When solo, the outlet can be aimed at the pilot's belt buckle for max effect. When not needed, the outlet can be shutoff so no hot air enters the cockpit. I used two inch scat hose to connect the heater box and the cockpit outlet. It runs below the shelf level in the lower forward cargo compartment, along with the on/off control cable. It only takes up a little space, and really is not a problem.

The standard firewall location will assure hot pilot's feet, and a cold passenger. There is enough heat coming off the firewall to keep the pilot's feet warm. In the summer, when flying at high altitude, the rear seater tends to get chilled while the pilot is fine. I send heated air to the rear seater, and cool air to myself from the air outlet on the left side of the panel. That way we both can be comfortable.


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Danny, Do you have a recomendation for what to do with the huge 2" pre-punched hole in the firewall on the other side where Van thinks we should install the heater control box on the -1 kits?
RV-8 Heater


I'd probably rivet a plate over it unless you can think of some other use for it. One builder used it for a second box, and mixed hot and cool air with a cockpit control. My feet don't get cold, as enough heat comes through the firewall to keep them warm. But then, I live in Texas where it gets cold, but nothing like our fellow builders to the north. The problem really isn't the pilot. The problem is getting heat to the rear seater. Some builders have gone to a lot of trouble with ducting. My method is simple, and it works pretty well. KISS!