Driving '67

Well Known Member

I?m thinking of moving my heater controls to the wiring channel faceplate below the instrument panel to free up some space. Has anyone done this? Pictures and suggestions on your install would be much appreciated

Thanks Jim
nt sure which wiring channel you mean, but in all designs I've seen, heater knobs are reachable without unfastening or loosening your seat belts
Given the standard location at the lower outside corners of the panel, how much space could you gain by moving them? The standard openings are pretty "out of the way" as it is, and the structure under the panel in these locations limits access for anything else. The cables aren't in the way of anything, so not sure I understand how much could be gained for the effort involved.

As far as relocating to the wiring channel faceplate, this is already the home to throttle/prop/mixture/alt air AND the channel behind this is used (in my airplane anyway) to route wires across underneath (Van's provides those nice holes for cable ties to make this easier) so it would get a bit crowded.
Just thinking out loud. Looking at installing a park brake and trying to find a logical position that doesn?t interfere or crowd other components.
Just thinking out loud. Looking at installing a park brake and trying to find a logical position that doesn?t interfere or crowd other components.
On my RVs I mount the parking brake valve under the panel. With a reach it is easy to operate the lever arm, and does not require a separate actuator cable and such.

I mounted my parking brake pull on the left where the left heater control would usually go. Stein fabricated a wide plate for mounting the throttle/prop/mixture that incorporated a left pull hole for my heater and a right pull hole for my AltAir. The passenger heater knob is in the usual right spot.

So my left side is the brake - can be released outside the plane easily.
Right side (just to left of throttle) is my heat
Far right (just to right of mixture) is my Alt Air (don't touch...)
Passenger right is their heat.

SteinAir provided the painted and labeled control knob panel when they provided the other panel items.