
I am working on my wings for my RV8. I plan on an IFR panel so I need to install a heated pitot. Looking at what is available the Gretz seems to be a good choice. Has anyone installed the Gretz and is flying with it? How good is it and would you recommend it?
There are about 30 threads on Gretz.
Grab the search function, go advanced, put in gretz, choose titles only, and off you go to lots of folks and their experience.
There are about 30 threads on Gretz.
Grab the search function, go advanced, put in gretz, choose titles only, and off you go to lots of folks and their experience.

Also, be sure the time frame of the search is to "any date"-----believe default is only last year of postings.
I am using this unit

It is light, very low drag, low amp draw, and gives accurate airspeed readings.
My unit combines static and pitot thus you get heat protection for both at the same price!
I have been flying with it for three seasons now and I am very happy with it.
It heats up fast and I have found that it will remove ice in timely manner. (Forgot to turn it on once with a IFR clearance in clouds)
do you use the static port on this pitot, or the Van'a static? First I have seen mention of this tube.
Bill Brooks,
Ottawa, Canada
RV-6A finishing
Gretz Heated Pitot

I will be removing and selling a complete Gretz heated pitot system from my 9 project. 95 hrs total time. Reasonable.