
Well Known Member
Looking for recommendations on a heated pitot..at the point in the wing build where I will be needing one. I already have the Safeair Pitot Mast. My plan is to have GRT or MGL panel....not sure if that matters...

Any recommendations for me appreciated.. Also, I am going to OSH next week and will looking there too..thx all.

since nobody else smarter is throwing in help...I say wait.
I have 3 pitot tubes. Put the mast and base in, leave the last skin until later. You may change wiring, lights, etc. I keep flip flopping on tubes..finally decided on dynon as the included aoa was a great feature all built it and their new generation stuff looks good. Everyone is different, I would cleco the mast and final skin on and keep going. Just my free opinion.
Its like the lighting and panel, wait ...so much is changing so fast by the time you get the fues and canopy done..much may have changed.

I have the Gretz and am happy with it. The one time I had a problem it was taken care of very quickly by the company. The pitot is unique in a couple of areas. First is it is made from a composite material and has a cool look to it. Second is it comes with a control unit that only turns the heat on when the temperature drops so you are not constantly feeding it high amps. Third, it comes with indicator lights that you mount in your panel so you know when it is heating or standing by.
Buy pitot mast only

I have the Dynon AOA pitot. Not sure if GRT can use the AOA info, though.

I have the Dynon heated pitot, an the AOA works like a charm. My understanding is that the GRT units have no need for the Dynon pitot, as it derives its AOA via software calculations.

The Dynon heated pitot also has a control box, which thermostatically controls the power to the head.

As mentioned earlier, buy the mast for the standard pitot. You can then decide what pitot to use once you settle on an EFIS.
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I bought and installed a Dynon heated pitot on a Gretz mast, since I want to be able to close up my wings and need to run all the wiring and plumbing before doing that. The Dynon heated pitot comes with a controller, as pointed out earlier, that cycles power on and off as needed to maintain 80 degrees C on the pitot, and comes with an indicator line that is used for a panel light (if desired) to show when the pitot heat has failed.

If you are going to keep the skins off the wing until the last minute, then just install the mount and wait until closer to first flight. If you want to close the wings, pick one and install it so you can run the wires and tubing now.