You may want to first talk to your FAA medical exam provider before you make any decision. Most of us senior pilots have hearing issues but that doesn’t mean the FAA approves all hearing remedies.

I’m not sure what their position is on implant hearing devices. It may require a special issuance. Usually not a real big deal but they do take time. Even basic med may have certain restrictions but I really don’t know that’s correct and is why I recommend seeking a medical examiner’s advice before making a decision. Good luck.
I know of a pilot that uses a bicros hearing aids and clarity aloft style headset that works well. He decided against a BAHA system for ease of use and less intrusive devices.
Hard to imagine a unilateral hearing loss would be of concern to the Feds - we don't use stereo hearing to locate traffic conflicts in flight. Seems to me (famous last words) that if you have one ear that still functions well enough to decode what's being said on the radio, you're good to go.

But then again, when has the world of regulation and regulatory over-reach ever made sense?
Hmmm The AOPA info is interesting. I currently fly without a medical, Light Sport. I have no desire to get a medical but I think I Might contact the AOPA medical department anyway. Thanks