
Active Member
Heard this today at KVRB
Piper----can you make short approach? RV closing fast doing little over 200 knots ground speed.
I was descending into my home field of Plymouth, MA coming from Maine through Boston's class Bravo at about those speeds when I heard ATC tell a twin Cessna departing out of Boston for Cape Cod, "Your traffic is an Experimental RV-7 at your 9 O'Clock, he is overtaking you".

They then told me about the twin Cessna... I REALLY wanted to say, "Say again"! lol

;) CJ
Make up your mind

Was coming into Merrill Field in Anchorage a few months back. Called in at Moose Run Golf Course, about 7 miles out and was asked if I could slow down. Pulled power, at Muldoon Road, about 4 miles asked by tower if I could speed up...few seconds later asked to slow down again...most traffic here tops out at less than 100 knots...(way less for Cubs).
KFFC - Falcon Field BBQ Lunch Departure Anxiety

Last year about this time, I visited KFFC for the very 1st time for a BBQ luncheon they were hosting. As you probably know, there are several RV's based on the field and on this particular Saturday quite a few of us came to visit.
If you are not familiar with Falcon Field, it lies under ATL "B" airspace shelf at 5,000 south of the city. For us going N we usually request "over the top" so we don't have to go around.
On that particular Saturday we all seemed to depart about the same time. As I switched over to ATL departure with the intent to request VFR flight following and maybe even "over the top" I picked up the ending communication from the poor guy working this sector.

DISCLAIMER: ATL controllers = best in entire country!:)

To the rest of the departing aircraft, "You guys are going to have to wait! There are too many of you and you all are streaking across my screen"

I didn't even call, just 4,500 west until I could turn north. These are some speedy machines:D
We have a ATC trainning tower

At 4 miles out. Controller " Experimental 183SB please slow down for landing Cherokee on a straight in" I'm doing about 150 kts

I am now a mile from the runway at about 100 kts and cleared to land. Controller "183SB Cherokee no factor. You may resume your normal speed" So I guess the Controller thought 160 kts on a one mile final was OK? I just replied "3SB unable"
Had the control zone to myself for the past 30 minutes doing multiple circuits, some slow, some fast, when a 172 calls up requesting permission to enter the zone for landing. I figured I'd been having more than my share of fun and should voluntarily knock it off otherwise the tower would likely say, "haven't you had enough fun for today, we've got other traffic trying to get in/out". But before I could change my request to "landing", the tower responds to the 172... "OK but you're going to have to keep your speed up, we've got an RV doing circuits."

Meanwhile another 172 had been sitting on the taxiway near the button for the past few circuits as if ready for takeoff but has not called the tower yet. Finally she calls the tower while I'm abeam the numbers (slow circuit) and the first 172 is on SHORT final. The tower says to the student pilot, " see that other aircraft on short final? Just as soon as he passes your position, line up and wait BUT BE READY for immediate takeoff as we have an RV doing circuits."

I guess once established in the circuit, other traffic has to fit in. :D

This happened some years ago going into Santa Rosa.
Me- Santa Rosa Tower, Canadian Experimental GMMJ 30 east decending thru 9500, inbound, full stop
Tower- Canadian MMJ cleared decent for left base Rwy#__, your traffic an Arrow 4 mile final
Tower- Arrow 23N you have fast traffic following, expedite your approach please
Tower- Canadian MMJ, state type of jet
Me- ... Ah, negative, just an RV

& we got exceptional service from the FBO too!
Express Lane

The local controllers here at POU know me well. If I am doing pattern work while someone else is in the pattern, they know I will get two to three patterns in for every one done by a Piper or Cessna. If the traffic is in left traffic, they put me in right traffic and thereafter clear me for "The express lane".
The local controllers here at POU know me well. If I am doing pattern work while someone else is in the pattern, they know I will get two to three patterns in for every one done by a Piper or Cessna. If the traffic is in left traffic, they put me in right traffic and thereafter clear me for "The express lane".

When you say "2 or 3 patterns" do you mean- you fly a pattern 2 to 3 times as wide as the others?

I were a B-52 pilot! I used to see your base turn over The Mid-Hudson bring 😜
First flying job with Flight Express (C-210) going into KLIT "Express xxx" slow to approach speed you are overtaking a 737.
I **LOVE** this thread!

(by a soon to be RV driver, but current flier of the mighty 116HP Slotabria)
Last month in a XC flight I was crossing a terminal area, controller asked; PPXUD just for curiosity what type is your machine? It is a RV7A sir, NICEEE!!!!
Was returning back to FTG not long after clearing phase 1 and heard tower talking to a friend of mine departing in his 1940 piper cub. I started an aggressive circle about 8 miles out waiting for him....keeping my speed up as I intended to give him a pass he wouldn't soon forget. Tower comes on when he reaches 5 miles... "Yellow cub, traffic 2 o'clock and two miles....looks to be a twin". I respond, "tower, 1 whiskey tango, that's me just waiting for him..I have the canvas overcast in sight". Tower says "I'm showing you at 180 knots..."

"Yes, sir....I slowed down a bit in the corner". Grinning from wingtip to wingtip!

RV aircraft are very aerodynamic

My RV3b is very fast even with my small motor. It's simply amazing, at 2000 RPMs , that is not much above an idle and I'm cruising faster than the Archer I used to rent when it was wide open sucking 10 gallons per hour. My 3 uses less than 1/3 the fuel at the same speed.. I am very pleased with it, it is awesome...:):D:):D:)