
Well Known Member
Discovered the other day that one of my Quiet Technologies headsets and my Bison RV Flight Bag had been stolen from my plane while locked away in my hangar at T74. After bringing it to the airport managers attention, it was discovered that other hangars were recently broken into and their headsets stolen, too. Tools, avionics, etc weren't touched.

Contact officer A.Clifford @ Taylor PD (512) 352-5551 if you have any information or discover items have been stolen from your hangar.
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Jack posted this on PoA as well. I don't think that thread mentioned that there were multiple victims.

Keep getting the word out. Pawn shops don't typically want aviation headsets because they don't move well. Ads in forums like this, COPA, PoA, and the like get a lot of scrutiny when a newbie suddenly has a dozen mint headsets at bargain prices.

E-bay seems to be the place to watch.

I can speak for the PoA crowd... we want to see the @#$% caught and the stuff returned.

Your bad news prompted me to review my insurance policies.

I'd prefer that not be the state of affairs.
Bad news..

You mentioned "while it was locked away in the hangar"..was it still locked, meaning someone got keys? We are going through a new lease agreement where the airport owner is requesting keys and combos to be turned over to them for inspection purposes. This opens an opportunity for persons to see what you have behind closed doors.
You mentioned "while it was locked away in the hangar"..was it still locked, meaning someone got keys? We are going through a new lease agreement where the airport owner is requesting keys and combos to be turned over to them for inspection purposes. This opens an opportunity for persons to see what you have behind closed doors.

I would find a different airport before I gave the manager a key to the door. I do not want them inside my hangar WITHOUT me for any reason unless there is a fire. Then once the walls melt, they can go in. If you are renting the hangar from them, they may have you by the balls. If you own the hangar or someone else owns it, they can ask, but have no right to enter private property even on leased land.

One thing I have noticed is how un-secure most airports and hangars are. We are lucky most people don't know this.
Oddly, I just bought a lightspeed Zulu 3 this past week. Because of that, I’m kind of tuned into them (I can’t be the only one who price shops after buying something!) and happened to notice today that a guy in Texas listed on Barnstormers a variety of high dollar headsets for what I’d consider to be fantastic prices. Could be totally legit, could be a professional refurbisher, etc, but it might be worth looking into. A search on their website should pull up the ad.
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You mentioned "while it was locked away in the hangar"..was it still locked, meaning someone got keys? We are going through a new lease agreement where the airport owner is requesting keys and combos to be turned over to them for inspection purposes. This opens an opportunity for persons to see what you have behind closed doors.

The theory proposed by the PD was that an air shim was used to gain access to the back of the door lock to unlock it.
Oddly, I just bought a lightspeed Zulu 3 this past week. Because of that, I?m kind of tuned into them (I can?t be the only one who price shops after buying something!) and happened to notice today that a guy in Texas listed on Barnstormers a variety of high dollar headsets for what I?d consider to be fantastic prices. Could be totally legit, could be a professional refurbisher, etc, but it might be worth looking into. A search on their website should pull up the ad.

Thanks - I think I found the ad. No QT Halo listed. Unfortunately, I don't know the brands/models of the other victim's headsets.
Game Camera?

Be aware of local laws relative to surveillance cameras. In some municipalities a sign on the exterior of the building indicating surveillance cameras are being used is required.

You may learn who just broke into your hangar but the evidence may be inadmissible in court.

I don?t like it either. :mad:
....a guy in Texas listed on Barnstormers a variety of high dollar headsets for what I?d consider to be fantastic prices. Could be totally legit, could be a professional refurbisher, etc, but it might be worth looking into. A search on their website should pull up the ad.

Just an FYI; the guy in Texas selling headsets on Barnstormers is a regular poster (based Brenham) on the Pilots of America forum. I don't know the guy and can't say for sure that he's not the culprit, but he's been selling headsets for at least a couple of years now. Another member of the POA board is also based in Taylor and mentioned the hangar break-ins, but so far I've seen no rumblings towards the Brenham guy being kinda fishy.

To me it seems that if a fellow pilot was breaking in to steal and sell stuff, he wouldn't be active on a pilot web board...
You mentioned "while it was locked away in the hangar"..was it still locked, meaning someone got keys? We are going through a new lease agreement where the airport owner is requesting keys and combos to be turned over to them for inspection purposes. This opens an opportunity for persons to see what you have behind closed doors.

Not necessarily. At our airport, it has been demonstrated that you can get in a locked hangar in a couple minutes.

Take a look at your siding panels. Are the screws exposed externally? Most are and it just takes removing a couple of them to get into a hangar.
... At our airport, it has been demonstrated that you can get in a locked hangar in a couple minutes...

Yeah, and remember that Airplane Repo show on Discovery Channel? They showed us all kinds of ways to get into hangars without the owner knowing.
Jack posted this on PoA as well. I don't think that thread mentioned that there were multiple victims.

Yep, I was a hit at T74 as well. When I mentioned it on POA, I was the only one that was known. I reported it to the police and they had no other reports. I assumed it was someone who had been in my hangar before and saw what I had. Oddly enough, the guy mentioned who sells headsets was one of those people. He flew in for lunch with some of my friends. I don't really know him and have no opinion on whether or not he was involved, but the police have his info.

I just found out a few days ago that David, and two other planes were hit as well. Honestly, we don't know if this is the end of it. Our city seems to have a wait-and-see approach instead of notifying tenants to check their hangars. A lot of pilots rarely come out, so they may not have discovered they're victims yet.