
Well Known Member
Page 31-10 Step 5, installing the headphone jacks. There are enough isolator washers for both headphone jacks and both microphone jacks but the drawing shows isloator washers on onlyl one one each side. I installed them on all 4 jackes. Did I err or di Van's??

Page 31-10 Step 5, installing the headphone jacks. There are enough isolator washers for both headphone jacks and both microphone jacks but the drawing shows isloator washers on onlyl one one each side. I installed them on all 4 jackes. Did I err or di Van's??


You now have no ground path for your headphone jacks.
Follow the plans here. The headphone jack has to be grounded. The mic jack has to be isolated. The stepped washer will prevent the mic jack from contacting the fuselage. Don't ask me how I know!!! Da plans are correct.
OK-- But

SO if I understand right, I have to remove the isolator washer from each headset jck. Is it correct to put a step washer on each? The step washer had to have the step sanded completely off in order to tighten the most forward jack down.

And the floor panel they're fastened to is primed and painted, so it's probably not a good ground anyway???

An electrical engineer I'm not!!

Thanks Wayne
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so take some acetone around the paint at that jack hole...no big deal. You're probable going to carpet your floor anyway once you hear how noisy it is in there.
Missing stepped washer?

Today I did the wiring.
I'm missing the stepped washer and isolator washer needed at page 31-10.
In an other posting I read that e.g. Marty was missing the same washers but I could not found his solution.
Should the washers have been delivered together with the headset wiring or should I look in one of the brown bags?

Thanks, Joeri.