
Well Known Member
I thought I saw an ad in here or at least a discussion. I am trying to find those in-ear headsets that just have the thin wire or plastic frame that some of you use. My DC set is in the shop and I was thinking of buying a passenger headset in the meantime. I kind of wanted to check out something a little lighter and more compact.

Any opinions or a link would be a big help.

Thanks, Andy
Quiet Technologies


Do a search on Quiet Technologies Halo headset. It is an in ear type of headset with a thin headband. It does not have active ANR but the ear plugs cut an amazing amount of noise out.

They are very well reviewed. Both my wife and I have them and LOVE them!!
Could be Clarity Aloft

Look at the Clarity Aloft.

I tried both the Halo and the Clarity and found the Clarity had superior sound. They are more but probably for a reason. I like them and have two sets.

I have loaned them to people who usually order some immediately.

Tough to go back to a regular headset.
headset help please

My wife and I both use the Quiet Technologies Halo headset. This after using a Bose headset for the last 4 years. We have referred several others to the Halo headset and they all found them to be great.

Put another vote down for the Halo. I have a Bose but much prefer my Halo. I've even taken Ironflights advise and started making my own earplugs using soft plugs that seem to work better than the ones supplied at a lot less cost.
To me a great headset.
This is perfect. Thanks people!! I'm going to check these both out after work tonight.

I hate to sound biased.. but I Love the Clarity aloft headset, 500hrs crewing helicopters with them, stereo or mono, aux input, no batteries required, etc.... I've never tried the halo.. they might be better... dunno
Gary Bricker

I have a extra set of the QT I will sell for $300. Bought some for both planes and now I only need the ones my wife uses. These maybe used 4 times.