
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Since we don't have a "West Texas" region, I'll post this in South - and figure everyone will see it.

Do you miss seeing the rugged "west" during LOE? Want to get away from it all for a weekend? Do you like sitting around the campfire until all hours, gazing at the best sky you've ever seen?

That's how Louise and I met a few years ago at a Big Bend Ranch State Park Fly-out. And we like to go back at least once a year.

We've booked a room for ourselves on Sunday and Monday nights (Feb 19, 20), since it was full on the Saturday. Monday's a holiday for us working Civil Servants, and we just plan to sneak out on a little of Tuesday. It's always fun to gather a bunch of RV'ers together - this is a free-form event - no organization. If you want to be out there the same time, there is room in the bunkhouse, and about a million acres of campground if you want to tent. February is a nice time of year - cool at night, cool enough in the day.

Check your calenders now!

Would love to go Paul. This is a trip that we've had on our radar for quite some time.

However all of our extra cash and time is being poured into the RV-10 right now. We're working pretty hard to push her across the finish line.

I hope you keep making this an annual trip. If so, you can count us in. I don't think we'll make it next year, but it's possible. The year after we should* be a lock.


* I've learned to never set a schedule or predict completion. Therefore this comment is purely pulled out of thin air.
Gosh, Phil

I hope you keep making this an annual trip. If so, you can count us in. I don't think we'll make it next year, but it's possible. The year after we should* be a lock.

By that time, our President's Day weekend fly-out will likely be in Nevada or surrounds!
I would LOVE to go too, but will be on my way to Haiti that weekend. Maybe next year I'll have the RV finished and could swing it.

Hope y'all have great fun.

Note to self: See if you can fit the 10" Celestron in the RV. That would be awesome down in Big Bend...
Pilots N Paws Golden Opportunity

Just in case someone wants to add some charity work to their Big Bend trip, I thought I would put it out for consumption that there is Pilots N Paws post of someone trying to get a dog out of Alpine. It is a 50 pound Belgian Malinois. They can pick the dog up in Houston or Austin, your choice. For Dallas, a stop in Austin would add about 130 miles to the trip. For Houston flyers, it only adds about 40 miles.

There should be enough time to get a crate by the end of the week if you ask for one on Monday. You can also stipluate that you can only make the trip that weekend if it works out, so you don't feel you'd have to make the trip another time if the weekend doesn't work our for weather, etc. Don't forget to keep the gas receipts for the tax deduction. We're out for this year, otherwise we'd have a furry passenger on the way home.

Post is here:

Never been to Texas except on a Band trip. Would like to fly my RV 7a down weather permitting. What are the temps during the day? Are the accommodations close to the airport, and if not is there transportation to. Thanks
Never been to Texas except on a Band trip. Would like to fly my RV 7a down weather permitting. What are the temps during the day? Are the accommodations close to the airport, and if not is there transportation to. Thanks

The accommodations are about a mile from the runway, and in the past, the park folks have always driven out when they hear an airplane come over the headquarters. Last year when I was out there, they said that they were going to try and get a $10 fee implemented for picking folks up at the strip, but that it wasn't in their state approved fee structure, so they couldn't charge it (yet) - but wouldn't mind voluntary contributions.

There have been some significant changes to the "atmosphere" at BBRSP over the past few years, as Austin has tried to impose a bit more "regimentation" on the way this out-of-the-way park is run. it is unfortunately putting the local employees in a bind, forcing them to make suggestions like that which are frankly illegal.

While I don't mind paying advertised fees, they can't solicit unofficial fees or "tips" while in uniform, and I don't think they worker bees want to be doing it. We'll see what they do this time - and I personally pack so that we can throw our pack on our backs and have a delightful walk through the desert for twenty minutes.


Morning Paul,

I just spoke to the wife about this and the park employees are Legislatively authorized to accept contributions, gratuities, donations etc. if they work in a hospitality environment at their job with the State of Texas. The wife works for Texas Parks and Wildlife and helped to write the proposed legislation that was adopted.


Sec. 11.0262. CERTAIN GRATUITIES AUTHORIZED. (a) An employee of the state parks division of the department may accept a gratuity if:
(1) the employee, as a primary job duty, serves food or beverages in a restaurant, cafeteria, or other food service establishment located within a state park and owned and operated by the department;
(2) the employee, as an auxiliary duty in performance of a regular duty renders a special customer service to an individual or group;
(3) the gratuity is offered by a customer:
(A) of the restaurant, cafeteria, food service establishment, or hospitality unit of the state parks division in appreciation of being served food or beverages by the employee; or
(B) of a hospitality unit of the state parks division, in appreciation of receiving some other customer service from the employee;
(4) the department has designated the employee as an employee authorized to accept a gratuity ; and
(5) the employee reports the gratuity in accordance with commission rules.
(b) The commission may adopt rules necessary to implement this section.
Not quite II

Sec. 11.0262. CERTAIN GRATUITIES AUTHORIZED. (a) An employee of the state parks division of the department may accept a gratuity if:

Interesting, and certainly very contrary to the ethics that federal employees are drilled in, but also irrelevant. The Texas language says "may accept". That is significantly different from "solicit," which I understand from a couple of people was the case at BBRSP.

I'm very proud to work for the National Park Service, where even acceptance of an offered monetary gratuity would be a very serious violation.
Recent experience at BBRSP

My wife and I finally crossed off this trip from our to do list. When we went over MLK weekend last month, we weren't charged at first for the airstrip pick up. We offered the kind SP employee a tip, and he repeatedly declined despite our encouragement. Later when signing up for rental mtn bikes, they charged us $20; seemed fair enough for the pick up and drop off.

It was our first time there and we really enjoyed the experience. Bummed we will miss the RV community this month but had to go before selling the RV at the end of January. :(

Also thought the bunk house was nicer than expected. Wifi is available there and in/near the office, but didn't quite reach the big house where we stayed. But that's part of the reason to go stay at BBRSP! ;).

And the fly-over announcement of our arrival worked fine -- SUV was there before we could finish unloading the 9a. No prop dings getting in/out with conservative ground ops. Thanks to VAF write ups of others, I was informed of what to expect.
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Interesting, and certainly very contrary to the ethics that federal employees are drilled in, but also irrelevant. The Texas language says "may accept". That is significantly different from "solicit," which I understand from a couple of people was the case at BBRSP.

I'm very proud to work for the National Park Service, where even acceptance of an offered monetary gratuity would be a very serious violation.

Hi Louise

Yes, the Federal level is somewhat different in many ways. The State of Texas Park system is actually moving more and more into solicitation for funds. They are doing this through mailing campaigns, donation boxes, email links, also the TXDMV now has a donation slot on your license plate renewal form. You can also order special Texas Parks and Wildlife license plates for a fee/donation.

This may well be good timing for the wife to put together an employee training program regarding the subject... will put a bug in her ear. :)
Iron and I have cancelled our planned trip

A combination of day-job pressures, trying to get the RV-1 flying and ready for paint, getting Junior ready for a paint job, less than ideal weather predictions for Texas, and BBRSP's relatively new 72 hour cancellation policy, Paul and I have decided that we need to withdraw from the BBRSP trip this weekend. We'll be up at Hicks and 52F, instead, taking care of of RV-1 and -3 business.

We apologize to anyone who planned to attend based on our plans. We may try to make a trip later in the spring, after the RV-1 launches and the RV-3 is in the paint shop.