Well Known Member
I am installing a GMA-240 and the comm wires that go to the headphones contain a Left, Right and Lo. I am also using Bose Lemo plugs and the headphones only have a right and left. So curious what I do with the headphones Lo wire that comes from the GMA-240.

Thanks for any help.
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hope this helps. from Bose site:
The wires connecting pins 3 & 4 and pins 5 & 6 are shielded, twisted
pairs with a black wire shield termination exiting each pair. If existing
wiring is not shielded, connect shields to existing audio wiring
shields, or connect shield from Comm L and Comm R wire pair to
audio ground.
Thanks Jay.

I did get that also from the Bose site. The problem I am having is the Bose lemo plugs only have a Right and Left, and the sheild is grounded. The wires coming off of the GMA240 have a Right, Left, Lo and then the shielded wire. Not sure what to do with that Lo wire from the GMA.

Lemo Connections

I am installing a GMA-240 and the comm wires that go to the headphones contain a Left, Right and Lo. I am also using Bose Lemo plugs and the headphones only have a right and left. So curious what I do with the headphones Lo wire that comes from the GMA-240.

Thanks for any help.

Hello Brian,

As you know, the GMA 240 uses the headset Audio Out LO connection to the sleeve on the headphone jack.


The Bose installation manual indicates that if you are installing their connector in combination with a standard headset jack that you should connect pin 2 on their connector (GND) to the sleeve wire and use that as audio ground.

This doesn't seem ideal since that ground is also used as the return line for headset power, but this is their guidance and I suspect it will work fine. Give it a try. You could always move pin 2 to power ground if you have noise issues, but you probably will not.
