
Well Known Member
Hi Fellas,
My wife and I are heading to Lafayette, In on Saturday and then cruising on up to Middelton,WI. If anyone is going be around those airports lets us know, my wife and I always enjoy meeting other RV folks!
All the Best

Let me know if you're passing thru Indy coming or going - would love to see the -8.
Cheap gas at Greencastle (4I7) and relatively cheap at Eagle Creek (EYE).

I am at KUMP - Indy Metro.

You Bet!

Hey Thomas!
You bet, I will post something here on Fri as to exact times, but as of now we will be leaving S37 around 5:30- 6am and stopping in LAF then heading over to check out a airpark lot and I just might swing down and say hello!

I have to work Sat from 7A-3P :mad:
But, if the weather stays nice I will be out flying the 170 in the evening. Let me know what your schedule looks like!

Hi Kirk,

There are a couple of RV builders in Lafayette. I am working on my instrument panel of my slow slow build RV-6. I would like to catch up with you on Saturday if my schedule works out. My son, also a real airplane nut, has a double header Freshman baseball game starting at 10 am. When do you think you will be arriving in Lafayette and how long will you be around? Are you looking at an airport lot in Lafayette (we have 2 development) or somewhere nearby?

Saturday morning at 10 AM is also our EAA meeting at a grass field 4 miles east of the Purdue airport. This is one of the strips with lots for development.