
Active Member
I am headed to Grov-Air this weekend to take the Intro RV building class from Troy. I am very excited as the shop is basically done and the kit is inventoried. So it's time to get started. I was hoping to fly to 2R2 from KMLI but we are just getting hammered for weather and the thought of leaving the old Archer outside without the tanis heater plugged in well scares me into the thought of not getting the airplane started until the spring thaw. :(

It's only about a 4 hour drive so - I think I might be drivin it - darn!!!:mad:

I'll take pictures and post an update...
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The weather is pretty crappy here with ice and such. If it happens to break, there are a bunch of RV'ers at 2R2, I'm sure they can find you a hangar to pre-heat in. While you are there, ask Troy to take you to see Jim Winings and his Rocket. He's a treat to talk to and you won't find anyone wiser or more willing to talk airplanes than Jim.

I forgot to add that if you have the time, you are welcome to stop by my hangar/home to look at my F1 EVO that's under construction. I'm about 30 miles south to 2R2 at II87.
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You'll enjoy yourself! Troy and his family run a great workshop. The biggest thing I took away when I took the class several years ago was to experience using tools from multiple vendors. Then when I ordered my tools, I got what I liked from the class.