
Legacy Member
I live on a small airpark, maybe 20 homes and a smooth 2500' grass strip down the middle.

A friend with an F1 Rocket called me Saturday morning and as it turned out, he was in the neighborhood topping off his tanks on the way home.

I was out helping a neighbor clean up his hangar when we heard the sound of a high speed airplane approaching. As we stepped outside, we could see the F1 circling high overhead. The F1 completed the last circle, and dove for the end of the runway, in compliance with our HOA operating procedures, he performed a low "clearing" pass, pulled up, dropped his flaps and promptly landed.

We stood outside, by the F1, talking airplanes and catching up.

Eventually, it was time to go and he asked which way was best for his departure. After point to the other end of the runway, he climbed in, fired up, and taxied down the runway.

At midfield, he turned around and departed in spectacular F1 Rocket fashion. Meaning, he rolled about 200 feet and then went almost vertical. After doing some mild acro, he again made a departing pass down the runway, zoomed up and disappeared behind the trees.

As I looked down the runway, I notice one of the long time residents standing by the edge of the runway, It was BettyJane. BJ's husband had died a year earlier and he was an amazing guy; A26 Marine pilot in WWII, NASCAR in the 50's, and Pitts pilot (his neighbor in FL was Curtis Pitts).

As I approached BJ, I realized she was crying. She looked at me and said, "This is how Cotton used to fly! Make sure he comes back and does that again! Oh, and I want a ride!"

What a great lady!

One other thing, after he left, my neighbors started blowing up my phone with text messages. The best message was simply, "WOW!"
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Cotton Hodges??? involved in the very beginning of the International Aerobatic Club.

Correct, Cotton Hodges. Talk about someone who has been there and done that! He was a great man and I am honored to have known him and to call him a friend! I feel cheated to have known him for the short time I did!
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Another great Cotton story...

One of the early members of team RV brought his son and met my son and I at Greenville Downtown for lunch (8 miles away). After we finished eating we left as a flight and did a low formation over our field with Greg smoking the place up (I want smoke!).

We did a pull up break to downwind, landed, and formation waddled to my yard. Just before shutdown, Greg keyed his mic and said, "Are we in trouble? There is some old guy running this way."

As soon as we shut down, Cotton starts yelling from 20 yards away,"That was beautiful, beautiful! "

I love my neighbors!
I bet I know who it was

Bill...pretty sure I know who was flying the Rocket, and I have been to his home strip . I doubt many others can show an F1 performance better than he does. Sheryl flew with him in a 2 place Quicksilver, and she will have to tell you that story...he is quite the ultralight guy also. Im going to be posting an RV/Rocket fly in at 8A7 probably in April, and hope to get him up with another couple Rocket guys he flys with.
When my wife and I flew to a local airport the other day the crowd on the ground was disappointed when we taxied in. With the speed, sound and silhouette of the tapered wing they thought a mustang was dropping in. I get remark quite often; it is as close as I will ever get to one!
Yes Bill, same guy. A 155 hp ultralight sounds like a blast!

Let me know the date as soon as you set it and we will come on over.

One other funny story...

I let the F1 pilot fly my FP RV-9 a few years back and he could not land it on a 5,500 foot runway. He just couldn't get it slowed down enough. We were laughing about that on Saturday.
....dove for the end of the runway, in compliance with our HOA operating procedures...

...As I approached BJ, I realized she was crying. She looked at me and said, "This is how Cotton used to fly! Make sure he comes back and does that again! Oh, and I want a ride!"

What a great lady!

That sounds like just the neighborhood I want to live in. Great story.