Flying Canuck

Well Known Member
I've got a small annoyance with my installation. I have a Dynon Skyview HDX and an MGL V16 VHF transceiver with a Razor control head. I also have a Garmin GTR200 (COM1). I use a toggle switch to select which COMM radio talks with the HDX over RS232 (RX/TX). As I also have a N16 behind the Razor control head, the devices are all set to SL30 emulation.

My problem with this is that if I have the Razor (COM2) selected with the toggle and I try to set the COM standby frequency to 122.875 from either the HDX or the Razor, the frequency gets truncated to 122.800. I cannot set that frequency unless my toggle is set to COM1 and I set it from the Razor.

I've posted this question on the MGL forums, but since this involves two different manufacturers, I'm expecting a bit of back and forth. Maybe someone here has run into something similar.

Any ideas?
Dynon Skyview talking to MGL Razor

I have a Skyview D700, Dynon Intercom connected to MGL V16 com with Razor Head and King KY97a. I also have the frequency truncation problem you mention between the Skyview and the MGL Razor head. I am in the process of installing a software update to the Razor. I am hoping that will solve the problem.
Skyview talking to MGL Razor

I updated the firmware on the MGL Razor - to the 080720 Version 1 Release 4 and the problems with the truncation of the frequencies went away. Skyview and Razor are now talking to each other as expected. I am using the SL40 emulation.
How did you go about getting the firmware updated? I got the installer from MGL. I built a custom harness to connect a USB-DB9 RS232 adapter to the Razor DB15 with RX/TX/GND from the DB9 and power. Couldn't find the Razor on my laptop on any of the COM ports.

Good to hear that it fixed the issue, I'm looking forward to getting there myself.

I had the same issue with the truncated frequency with my N-16/G3X setup. The new Razor/Vega software resolves this I had the same difficulties as you attempting to update the firmware on the controller. I could not get the installer application to communicate with my PC. After some research and trial and error, I discovered the problem was with the USB to Serial (RS232) adapter/converter cable. These cables have a chipset built into them to do the work of converting USB to Serial, there are two primary manufacturers of these chipsets Prolific and FTDI. The cable with the FTDI chipset should work, the Prolific chip cable will not. Once I figured this out, the software installation of the MGL firmware was simple and straightforward.
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Thanks for this, I saw this topic in today's posts and thought, oh, someone else had this issue only to realize that it is my thread. I've confirmed that my chipset was prolific. I've just ordered one with the FTDI chipset.

I really would like this update before I get back to IFR training. I had one complex scenario on my last flight last November where I found myself on the V16 in need of a 25 KHz frequency and it made for an extra challenge at a very busy point in the flight.
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…….I had the same issue with the truncated frequency issue with my N-17/G3X setup……

You mentioned an “N-17”…..did you mean “N-16”? I’ve actually considered the N-16 with Razor or Vega linked to my G3x. It’s a pretty economical way to get a Nav radio. How’s it working out for you?

Yes N-16, corrected in my post. It works well with my G3X, emulates SL-30. Takes up very little panel space with the Vega controller. I think it’s a lot of bang for the buck and a great way to add vor/ils/loc functionality to G3X panel. The Vega controller also acts as a CDI when not tuning. There are a few idiosyncrasies with tuning and setting a course, but once you figure out how it works it’s not a big deal.
Thanks for this, I saw this topic in today's posts and thought, oh, someone else had this issue only to realize that it is my thread. I've confirmed that my chipset was prolific. I've just ordered one with the FTDI chipset.

Claude, I’m 99% sure that this will solve your issue, please report back one way or the other. I have communicated my findings to the folks at MGL USA, and they were actually having the same problem. They have come up with a workaround which involves purchasing additional third party software that creates a virtual serial port and works with the Prolific chipset converters. Much easier imo to just use the FTDI cables.

Yes N-16, corrected in my post. It works well with my G3X, emulates SL-30. Takes up very little panel space with the Vega controller. I think it’s a lot of bang for the buck and a great way to add vor/ils/loc functionality to G3X panel. The Vega controller also acts as a CDI when not tuning. There are a few idiosyncrasies with tuning and setting a course, but once you figure out how it works it’s not a big deal.

Sound good….thanks for the feedback!
Claude, I’m 99% sure that this will solve your issue, please report back one way or the other. I have communicated my findings to the folks at MGL USA, and they were actually having the same problem. They have come up with a workaround which involves purchasing additional third party software that creates a virtual serial port and works with the Prolific chipset converters. Much easier imo to just use the FTDI cables.

Indeed my issue is solved. I installed the drivers that came with the FTDI cable and scratched my head a bit on how to connect up to COM1 on the Razor. Then I remembered that I was already running COM1 through a toggle switch on the panel (radio select for the HDX). I quickly built 3 jumpers, female pin to alligator. Hooked them up and the Razor update worked right away. I then confirmed that my issue with not being able to push the 25KHz frequencies from the HDX to the Razor was resolved. Only took a year and 8 months to resolve.

Thanks for pointing me to the FTDI adapter.