
This will be my first time flying into Airventure (although I've been there many times).

I was wondering about parking for HBC. When you arrive, do you just park in the next available spot or can you choose to be further back? I've heard/seen horror stories of airplanes becoming jungle jims for kids and would rather not worry about that while I'm not by it. On the other hand, I don't want to be parked way out by myself, I want to be close enjoy the experience with others. Just curious.
When it's empty, you can pretty much park where you want, although you will be guided to where the parkers want you. It's normally filled back to front. One year, we could make a sign saying where we wanted to park, but don't know if that is still the case or not. It fills up quick, though and if you get there later, you will probably have to take whatever is available. Don't worry, you will be surrounded by other planes where-ever you park. It's not that much more walking anywhere in HBC compared to the walking you will be doing each day. See you there!
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Get there early

Since you live so close try to get there by 10:00 Sunday morning to avoid the traffic coming in and you will be parked toward the back (West) of HBC. This is were the HBC pavilion is as well as the showers, which is very desirable. Please follow the parking folks on the scooters, it is not a free for all park were you want to, they want to fill the rows from the far end to the taxi way. You don't have to worry about kids on your plane so much in HBC as it is not on the beaten path for the crowd coming in just to see the airshow. Mostly it is only other HBC campers and builders looking for paint ideas.
You'll need to have a HBC sign to show them once you land & they will marshall you in to HBC camping. It's all in the NOTAM.

You must read the NOTAM & have it handy at all times inbound.

As others stated, best to get there early Saturday or Sunday morning to get a good spot next to the pavillion & showers.
I usually arrive around noon Saturday and end up in the third row.
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Ha, I just noticed my location still says Green Bay. We moved last year so we'll be coming from Washington State. We have kicked around the idea of coming in mid week before Airventure and visiting friends (also to give us a buffer for weather) in Green Bay so I guess we'll still technically be coming from there. Already have the NOTAM, thanks for the information. Looking forward to it.
Will be headed to Osh from Auburn... Think I'm planning on starting the trek Thursday and hope to arrive Friday evening or Saturday morning.

Ha, I just noticed my location still says Green Bay. We moved last year so we'll be coming from Washington State. We have kicked around the idea of coming in mid week before Airventure and visiting friends (also to give us a buffer for weather) in Green Bay so I guess we'll still technically be coming from there. Already have the NOTAM, thanks for the information. Looking forward to it.
One year, we could make a sign saying where we wanted to park, but don't know if that is still the case or not. It fills up quick, though and if you get there later, you will probably have to take whatever is available.
We tried that for a few years but we've moved away from it for a couple of reasons. The biggest one is the relocation of the camping facilities, which erased the distinction between "in the back" and "close to facilities". Those 2 choices amounted to about 95% of the requests and since they are now the same thing, it became pointless.

The other factor was the number of early arrivals increasing every year, so it go to the point where we just couldn't sort out this way by some time Sunday morning.

As others noted we do start filling HBC at the west end and work east. At the same time we start the non-camping RV parking at the east end and work west. The two meet in the middle some time on Sunday or early Monday
I'm planning for Saturday arrival. Last year Sunday was crazy busy and unsafe at Ripon.
Very true as for what happened last year on Sunday. However, I hope we don't just push the craziness to Saturday with so many caught in that fore ray last year having the same idea. LOL :D
Very true as for what happened last year on Sunday. However, I hope we don't just push the craziness to Saturday with so many caught in that fore ray last year having the same idea. LOL :D

That was entirely weather related. Saturday storms and Sunday IFR conditions resulted in a lot of backed up traffic. When the weather finally cleared around mid-morning on Sunday, a day and a half of traffic tried to land in a two hour window.
That was entirely weather related. Saturday storms and Sunday IFR conditions resulted in a lot of backed up traffic. When the weather finally cleared around mid-morning on Sunday, a day and a half of traffic tried to land in a two hour window.

Truth is, Saturday generally doesn't have as much traffic, but it's not a given. Saturday can get real busy, in particular if your arrival coincides with one of the type club mass events.

It also seems like the FAA uses Saturday to break in new controllers. So assume nothing. In six straight years of Saturday, I have yet to get an unmolested arrival.

2011: G20 knots at 90 degrees on 09. Mass arrival on the 18's.
2012: Go around due to runway incursion on 27
2013: Go around due to pattern cut-in on 27
2014: Go around due to prior aircraft on wrong dot.
2015: 70 knots all the way from Ripon behind some idiot, who then all but parked on 18R
2016: Waved off on downwind to 27 because of twins descending blind from above. Back to Ripon, then tower forgot about us on base 36R.

If I had to pick for best chance of "not real busy", I'd say first thing in the AM when the field opens.
You must always be prepared. Practice slow flight.

2015, my first year, I was directed to follow a flight of 8 Cubs at Ripon. :eek:
2016, I was following a Cessna that could not hold altitude or airspeed. I suspect the controller saw this and we split company at Fisk. Me to 27, Cessna to 36.
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I've flown in a few times, some years it would have been easier and more convenient to drive it.

Takes longer but no hold over Ripon or weather problems.
Since I volunteer in HBC, I usually try to fly up on Thursday with Friday as a weather day. That way, I get to see an almost empty Oshkosh fill up in a couple of days, and I totally miss the craziness over Ripon. Works great if you're retired and are flexible. Personally, I consider watching landings on Sat/Sun one of the best parts of Oshkosh.
Jerry Folkerts
first time also.

Since I volunteer in HBC, I usually try to fly up on Thursday with Friday as a weather day. That way, I get to see an almost empty Oshkosh fill up in a couple of days, and I totally miss the craziness over Ripon. Works great if you're retired and are flexible. Personally, I consider watching landings on Sat/Sun one of the best parts of Oshkosh.
Jerry Folkerts

A fallow up for you guys that work the show. I too used to work SWRFI down in TEXAS years ago and have been coming to the fly-ins by car or truck for the most part. We are thinking of coming up to KOSH this year for the first time in an RV-8 we built. Being now retired the timing is only subject to weather. We will not be going to HBC, but to HBP. If we can set it up to be coming in on Friday the 21st. where would the grounds crew be most likely to park us. I would like to get a good spot up close to where Van's has there both or a few rows back from there? Thanks, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
A fallow up for you guys that work the show. I too used to work SWRFI down in TEXAS years ago and have been coming to the fly-ins by car or truck for the most part. We are thinking of coming up to KOSH this year for the first time in an RV-8 we built. Being now retired the timing is only subject to weather. We will not be going to HBC, but to HBP. If we can set it up to be coming in on Friday the 21st. where would the grounds crew be most likely to park us. I would like to get a good spot up close to where Van's has there both or a few rows back from there? Thanks, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888

Hi Robert, I'll defer to the Home Built parking guys, but my best guess would be the earlier you arrive the closer you are to flightline, but not on the flightline. Area between HBC and Home built Headquarters where you register after securing your A/C. See map on airventure website. I hope this helps. See you there

We start parking the HBP section from the east and work west, while HBC starts west and works towards the east. The RV section of HBP (Area 51) starts just west of Eide Rd, and by Friday we'll be lucky to be on the second row west of there. So, if you arrive on Friday and show an HBP sign, I guarantee that you'll be within a 9 iron of Van's tent. I mean my 9 iron, not Tiger's 9 iron.

We start parking the HBP section from the east and work west, while HBC starts west and works towards the east. The RV section of HBP (Area 51) starts just west of Eide Rd, and by Friday we'll be lucky to be on the second row west of there. So, if you arrive on Friday and show an HBP sign, I guarantee that you'll be within a 9 iron of Van's tent. I mean my 9 iron, not Tiger's 9 iron.

Thanks, looks good. We should be there by 3;30PM Friday if the weather is good. And I think Tiger hits about 150-160 with a 9 or did at one time. Me I can throw a base ball about as far as I can hit a 9 iron. Robert

Progress on the Pavillion...



Weather has been the cause of the delays in construction so hopefully clearer skies prevail for the next several weeks. I depart at 0000 on 7/11 so plan on a full workday starting 7/12, see all y'all there
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I have a question about camping in the HBC area. I would like to attend the event for a couple of days to camp but I don't have enough time to fly myself in and return to AZ before work. Is there a camping area for those of us without an aircraft at the show, prefereably in the HBC area?
You're in luck. It's called Camp Scholler. I believe all camping has a 3 night minimum.

By the way, can anyone speak to flying into HBC on Wednesday or Thursday and being able to camp? Has the area started to thin out by then?

Thanks, Mike
Yes, by Wednesday things will start thinning out (departures outpacing arrivals.). You'll have no trouble getting a spot, and possibly quite a good one. Just depends on what opens up.