
Forum Peruser
I was in need of a new pair of sunglasses and happened to notice that one of the prizes to be raffled at the LOE Fly In was sunglasses from Hazebuster.com. So several weeks ago I ordered a pair. I am very pleased especially with the bifocal lenses. I won't say they are the best sunglasses I've ever had, but they are pretty close to the best. And when you consider they are offered in bifocal lens, they are an exceptional value IMHO. I bought Model No. 409 at $55 plus shipping.

If you are too far away from NM to buy a raffle ticket and are in need of a new pair of sunglasses, visit the Hazebuster web site.
I agree

I bought a pair 2 weeks, although the bi-focal line is a little to low for me i'm sure I'll get used to it.
I bought a pair 2 weeks, although the bi-focal line is a little to low for me i'm sure I'll get used to it.

Jim: We have two levels of bi-focal settings. If you have the "Modified Aviator", model 408, that is the one that is set lower than industry standard. We made those based on pilot requests. Most like them. But if you find you don't, please contact us for an exchange. We want you to be happy with your Hazebusters.
re: good sunglasses

I bought a clip-on at OSH. Good sunglasses.

Marshall Alexabder
RV10 N781DM
great customer service

Jim: We have two levels of bi-focal settings. If you have the "Modified Aviator", model 408, that is the one that is set lower than industry standard. We made those based on pilot requests. Most like them. But if you find you don't, please contact us for an exchange. We want you to be happy with your Hazebusters.


Thanks for your great customer service, I will be in touch to organize the exchange.
Level of Magnification

Looks like a great product, Roger! My vision is still fair, but I have that dreaded "over 50" need for about a 1.25 magnification to read the charts. I did not notice any way to specify what magnification the purchaser desires, and wanted to know before ordering what your 408's are ground to? Thanks in advance!

Jim: We have two levels of bi-focal settings. If you have the "Modified Aviator", model 408, that is the one that is set lower than industry standard. We made those based on pilot requests. Most like them. But if you find you don't, please contact us for an exchange. We want you to be happy with your Hazebusters.

I should have kept digging on your site. I did not notice the "click the product" instructions in my initial viewing.
Maybe I need stronger glasses! LOL
Thanks! I will be calling on my return to the US.
Tried Them Out

Scott and I were lucky enough to win a pair of Hazebusters at LOE. We tried the curved navigators and were very impressed by the quality and clarity of the optics. We both prefer a darker lens, so I don't think these will work for us on a Texas summer day when the sun can beat you into submission. However, they will be living in the cockpit as they did great on a sunny winter day, and I bet they will perform well when hazy or one of those days that it is hard to decide between sunglasses or not.
I've had my Hazebuster Aviators with 1.5 bifocals since last winter and just love them. Since I'm not flying much at this time, I use them in my auto and the line for the bifocal is just perfect. I can glance down at the dash and the GPS and I don't even realize I have bifocals on. After purchase follow-up from Tanya was excellent too. If they ever come out with glass lenses they are sure to have another sale!

It's been over four years since I started this thread, and I feel an obligation to post an update. While I do like the bifocal lenses of the Hazebusters, I must say the frames have not held up. Through the years I have replaced several pair of HB's because the frames either broke or bent, and were not repairable.

I have had good success with the "S" brand that is the name of a particular area of Africa known for its wildlife. I was able to find a pair on sale with Titanium frames and they are holding up extremely well. :) While they are more expensive per pair, I bought one pair over two years ago and they are still going strong. They are not bifocals.
Two pairs of Hazebusters on the glare shield for several years now. I can break any brand and have. Oops. I like the performance. Customer support has been good. Slowly gone from 1.25 to 1.5. Time marches on. But the RV still goes like the wind. :)
The way of the future...

Looks like a great product, Roger! My vision is still fair, but I have that dreaded "over 50" need for about a 1.25 magnification to read the charts. I did not notice any way to specify what magnification the purchaser desires, and wanted to know before ordering what your 408's are ground to? Thanks in advance!

As far as bifocals go, once you go iPad, you'll never go back...:)


PS: Haze-busters work well but as mentioned above, they excel in lower ambient lighting/hazy environments. In bright lighting they are less capable IMHO. However comma, with the exception of Wal-Mart variety cheap sunglasses, they are the "best bang for your shades buck"
PSS:I just wish these were a bit cheaper...

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I think I have about four or five identical pairs of clip-on Hazebusters now - one in each airplane, one in each jacket pocket - because bang-for-the-buck I haven't found anything better that works with my regular glasses. If I break or lose them, I buy another air at OSH or another show.