
Well Known Member
I dispose of Alodine/Alumiprep product and rinse at the local county landfill. They take Haz Mat from residents free.
Today, I found out something new. They have a shopping area for residents. Anything still in original packaging and viable is on the shelf. I nabbed a quart of Laquer Thinner. Free. $15 can. There was lots of stuff. Maybe another time.
Just mentioning to share. Maybe your Haz Mat facility has a similar program.
I'd be a tad suspicious.... how do you know someone didn't wash that thinner through something and then put it back in the can for disposal?
Not likely perhaps...but there is a chance it's contaminated with some mystery thing....

I'd be a tad suspicious.... how do you know someone didn't wash that thinner through something and then put it back in the can for disposal?
Not likely perhaps...but there is a chance it's contaminated with some mystery thing....

Well since I use a bottle, I will check. Easy to let it evaporate and it didn't cost me anything. Heck, I'm way ahead disposing of Alodine rinse for free.