
Is there anyone currently living in Hawaii (Any Island) who is either building or has a RV built?

I'm still contemplating on whether to build or hold off and place it later in life after I have either 1. more money in the bank, 2. better job. Even though my current job could easily pay for the construction of the RV but I dont plain on stayin in the military forever, and I think it would be better to atleast get my instrument rating before spending all these money on building.

Anyways.. Hope I can find someone in Hawaii with a project or an already built one. I heard there was a guy on Oahu. Just gotta find him.

I'm in Oahu half time and I built an RV. Alas, I sold it as part of this move - so no plane for me on the island...
Aloha Kevin,

Maybe we could possibly meet up sometime and talk.. Or start a build? haha I'm over by the airport....
About 25-years ago, I told a co-worked that was just about ready to retire that I was going to build an airplane when I retire. He said: "Do not wait till you retire. Do it now so that you can enjoy it when you retire."

At the time, I figured out how much could I can afford to spend if some one GAVE ME the airplane for me to fly. Back in 1988, I came up with $75 per week. I then started a savings program where that money came out of my weekly paycheck and went into the credit union. 8.5 years later, I had a flying paid for airplane. If you add 4% each year for inflation, I was on budget.

Over the past 16.5 years, I have done over 2,800 hours of flying in the airplane that I built. A lot of flying has been with Rosie. We keep telling each other that it will never be cheaper to fly than it is right now.

I am now retired and enjoying my airplane. I have enjoyed the airplane so much, I can see me building an -8 or -3 in the near future. It will never be cheaper than it is right now and I may as well fly as much as I can afford as long as my health holds up for it will only cost more later.
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