
Well Known Member
Getting ready to head to the airport to do some cleaning up then off to a fly in breakfast then launch out to meet some of the Ohio Valley RVators for lunch at the Cloud 9 @ K22. A buddy of mine, who was there for the original first flight, will be my partner in crime today. All we need is a fly in dinner and we have all three meals taken care of for the day:D

A few numbers from breaking in this new Barrett Precision engine. I am still varying the RPM's and MP but do more high RPM's, lower MP. Yesterday evening I was sustained level at 4500' MSL and recorded the following numbers:

18" MP, 2400 RPM's, EGT's 1320,1368,1282,1332 CHT's 337,366,374,368, oil pressure 78, temp. 171, fuel flow 7.3 @ 4.1 PSI. I can get a nice 160 kt. cruise fuel flow into the low 8's with 173 kts. at 11.1 GPH.

Yesterday, but more today (I'll post in the GRT AOA thread), I played around with the beta GRT AOA. My clean stall is 56 kts., landing configuration 51kts. A 1.3 multiple puts me at 66 kts. Let's put it this way, using the AOA, I could have made the turnoff for the first time ever:D

Too much fun gang, if you are still building, have your coffee, read the daily required VAF threads............then go, pound some rivets, you won't regret it.

Time to go fly.......

Glad to see the repair is complete.... enjoy it, I guess the hardest part for you will be to actually leave it on the ramp some where...just make sure you get a window seat at the resturant !!!!!!!!


Just enjoy. You have really shown great resolve to "getter dun" a second time.:D

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... to the airport this coming week